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 Apr 2018 May Elizabeth
J Lynne
The words I said, the things I didn't do
cut scars in my soul

The way you speak, the air you breathe
are like diamonds next to coal

I regret, I regret, oh how I regret
that one little white lie

What she doesn't know couldn’t hurt her, but it hurt me
I felt as if I was slowly dying inside

I feel like an addict
It felt like a piece of heaven
but I'm slowly chipping away

Being close, so close, is like agony
but any farther is like hell

I feel like I'm upside down
There's no way for me to get back up

I'm scared, no, terrified
Because I think I like being stuck

If only, if only, if only you knew
how perfect you are in my eyes

Maybe, just maybe, then you would see
How hard it was for me to realize

You can't, could never, would never
feel for me

The way that I
Feel for you
 Mar 2018 May Elizabeth
CA Smith
I'm a bit different,
that's what they always say.
I go about everything I do,
in my own sort of way.

I'm a bit unique.
Where others are straight I'm oblique.
When some choose red I choose blue.
That doesn't make me less of a person than you!

If who you are,
doesn't line up with even a single star,
then shine brighter then others do,
knowing that there's nobody else like you.

Walking about,
there's no need to pout.
Just smile and wave,
don't force yourself to be how they expect you to behave.

You are you,
and that's more than enough.
There's no need for changes,
that makes for too much fluff.

So if you're different,
just like me,
then think of it as a gift,
of which nobody else could receive,
and make your own special mark in history.
 Mar 2018 May Elizabeth
Before you say this is *******
Read the first line again
Before you say this is *******
Read the third line again
Before you say this is *******
Read the fifth line again
Before you say this is *******
Read the first line from the third word
This is *******, Isn't it?
Poet poetry depression write read *******
 Feb 2018 May Elizabeth
 Feb 2018 May Elizabeth
It's a party,
Time to celebrate,
I'm trying to get away,
Oh no, they're bringing out the cake,
I guess I'll have to wait.

I could be having a good read,
I could be watching Netflix,
I could be pretending I have a great black steed,
But instead...

I'm stuck with people I barely know,
In some unknown person's place,
Oh my god, is that Terry?
It's been weeks since I've seen her face.

I wish I was at my own house,
With my cat and with my pajamas,
Where the only thing louder than a mouse,
Would be my television screen.

— The End —