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 Apr 2020 Marya123
 Apr 2020 Marya123
He says he's a nihilist.
He has nothing to base that on...
 Apr 2020 Marya123
Michael Stefan
2 cups of coffee
...shake off the dreams
2 cups of coffee
...with sugar and cream
2 cups of water
...bring the headache down
& 2 cups of gin
...drown out the sounds
 Apr 2020 Marya123
Thomas W Case
Deliciously loving you,
yet, I'm the
one that got ate up
and spit out.
So I lie on
an empty beach
like a broken sea shell,
while the lonely rain
pounds the sand.
 Apr 2020 Marya123
 Apr 2020 Marya123
this world can take anyone's
breath away
everyone takes the world's
breath away.

roof poetry no. 2
 Apr 2020 Marya123
"you must be a diamond"
they've told you
since the day you were born

but you
are simply
not a diamond

cruel pressure forges
this sparkling gem
unbreakable and perfect
and always satisfactory

beloved for
the way it shines
unbeatable and flawless
and always worn with pride

but you
are simply
not a diamond

water and nurture grows
an intricate plant
vulnerable and passionate
and always learning; growing

beloved for
the way it blooms
imperfect and stunning
and always ever-changing

but you
are simply
not a diamond

you're shaped by the seasons
which bring pain and strength
while diamonds are cold
you are warm

you inhale and you exhale
and feel and make mistakes
while diamonds are dead
you are alive

you bring life and art
and love to this world
like a rock never could
and that you could never know

you are worth
more love and pride
than a rock ever could
and than you could ever know

because you
are simply
not a diamond

you are so much more

dear Kaitlyn,

you are simply not a diamond
no one is and no one should be
don't treat yourself like one

you are so much more

your friend, efni
 Apr 2020 Marya123
The thing I am most grateful
for is that when my heart broke,
it broke open.
 Apr 2020 Marya123
 Apr 2020 Marya123
No one tells you
That loneliness hurts
That you can feel emptiness
That your heart can physically ache
They don’t explain to you
That your body knows you’re alone
It hurts more than you can describe
It burns until you can’t take it
But by that point
You’re a freak
You’re so far gone
No one will want you
You’re broken now
You’re damaged goods
So the only antidote to the poison
Of being all alone
Is pushed further and further out of reach
The longer you suffer
 Apr 2020 Marya123
 Apr 2020 Marya123
Well beneath my sarcasm
My hatred for the world

There is a different story waiting
Waiting to be told

For I am made of poetry
Of sunsets
And the moon

Of summer rain
And chocolate smell
And nights that end too soon

It's hidden well
It's out of sight
It's on you to find the key

For my fragile little world,
My dear,
Is not for everyone, you see?
 Apr 2020 Marya123
Aryan Sam
 Apr 2020 Marya123
Aryan Sam
Years ago
We stayed up till
3 am talking,
And today
I don’t even know
How to say hi,
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