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 Jul 2015 Mallow
Our Shadows
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Our shadows are drifting
With the colorful kites,
Feeling warmth of the morning
I hold your hand, you press
My fingers gently in your palms,
While walking my gown drags
On the sand
Our shadows become longer
  Until we walk so, slowly
Step by step
You have a gray hat, and me-
My scarf with prints of blue stars,

Reaching the light of the sunset
Reaching the end of our way to home.
thank you for reading!
 Jul 2015 Mallow
JR Potts
Sometimes we run
into the arms of a terrible person
just trying to escape a broken heart
because loneliness has been known
to taste like warm whiskey,
parliament lights and the kiss
of a lack luster lover who spent more time
trying to lie you between the covers
than they did learning to say your name
out loud, you know the type.
I'd be lying too if I didn't say
I've been that kind, that tall glass of water
promising to dampen a dry tongue
which ain't got the courage to say I'm sorry,
not to nobody else but to themselves.

So I want apologize for not seeing
or perhaps ignoring how crushed you were
when I rolled you up in my arms
the way hikers do sleeping bags
and I held you in my lap
because the car was packed
and I didn't know where else to put you.
You must have felt safe there
thinking you were the place
for me to lay my head on this road trip
we call life, but little did you know
had the trunk not been full
I would have been sitting alone
face aglow from my cellular phone
texting other women,
probably with a smile.

I am here to tell you, you deserve better
and I don't want you ever settle
for anything less than a lover's embrace
because comfort plus time
equals unease on your mind.
Worrying whether this companion of yours
has become a stone tied to your heart
with a heavy rope and its tugging you down
into the dark blue depths
filling your lungs with ice cold seawater
with every last breath.

I want you to be with someone
you can chase for the rest of your life
and when you get tired of swimming
they won't leave you treading,
chumming shark infested waters
with blood from a poorly stitched heart
but they will follow and follow
until you both find that deserted island,
that paradise you promised one another.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Devin Ortiz
My heart of darkness grows
Screaming silently into
A searing white noise
Deafening any comprehension.

It envelops my chest
Pouring itself, washing over
Climbing and crawling
Weaving its way, ticking violently.
Scrapping at my bones
Begging for the light of those
Good natured innocent folk.

Waiting to reel them in
Infecting them with hope
Leaving only emptiness and blind hatred.

Spreading sinister vibes to new host
The thirsty for fresh blood
Never quite quenched.
I hunger for sugar smiled
Still beating hearts of those
Yet to suffer my hate.
#Anger #Hate #Flow #Darkness #Innocent #Heart
She was costly Bordeaux
  he was recycled biker leather,
her classic affluent beauty
  yearned for motorcycle thrills,
she lifted him up a grade
     he brought her down to street level,
  they fused at steamy rush hours
   under trafficked high ways,
    pursuant to reckless merging
                   reality's intersections accelerated            
   crashing expedited speed limits,
       would never again drive
  mid smoothly paved junctures
             at the standard rate of normal
Tell yourself to breathe
as the stratosphere is falling,
imagining verses tumbling
midst downpours' dissension,
sans sentimentality's
         loquacious language,
and the land is left barren
    as verbosity disintegrates
and emotions wholly perish
    'neath fickle cloudbursts
               of poetry's extinction
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Coop Lee
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Coop Lee
the sea is cold,
but the sea contains the hottest blood of all.*

             killer transients.
             people and whales.

             he needed to see his son smile
             & he did.
             a blue-trucked boy, hometown hero.

             he loved to fight
             & he fought to love.

             died in afghanistan for the pentagon boys.
             blame them. bomb them.
             submerge your vestigial limbs in days and home
             & simple mammalian living.
             wage and pray.
             little hours.
             little sweet nothings.

             people and whales fall older.
             think. write. ferment.
             the good deep.

             the hottest blood of all.
recently published in The Bayou Review
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