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xavier thomas
M/Arkansas    Chicago hometown
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
Jennifer DeLong
50/F/98270    Passionate , Artistic , Witchy and Spiritual ...poetry is my passion its where, I find me..I ❤️ invigorating the sense's with nature & music. Norwegian …
Melancholy of Innocence
Planet Earth    Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
M/South Africa    Cape of Good hope nature reserve The most Southwestern point of Africa
William J Donovan
75/M/Charlotte, NC    Writing poetry now feels like I'm cutting me with a razor so I can feel again.
Richard Smith
47/M    Married with 5 children and 3 grandchildren British Army veteran of 24 years
Edmund black
39/M/NJ    Not Everything I Write Is About Me , However I Only Write For Myself....... Remember Jesus Is The Way And The Light.
Mahdi Akhloumadi
33/M/Russia    Living Math, Living poetry, Living art, action and ritual death.
I'm an aide who works in special education..My dad was an English major.My Mom and Dad took all 6 of us to library. We were …
Ariana Solo
18/F/Aquarelle Vanilla Sky    "Half of my soul will always be like the dark side of the moon" © Dark Side of the Moon Ariana Solo
The North Star
RA 6h 45m 9s | Dec -16° 4    The stars are infinite. As are the avenues of my mind. ©️ All Poems and Writings are my intellectual property and as such are protected …
matthew Hulinsky
23/M/Texas    pain is a gift you return
Jason Paul Klenetsky
50/M/Florida    I write poetry. It flows out of me. I’m also an Artist, Writer, and Creative Thinker. Twitter: @GonzoJ40
M/California    This is where I put my poems. Thanks for reading :)
Anthony Pierre
42/M/A Sandy Beach   
23/F/i'm not really sure    i'm just trying to learn
Travis Green
30/M/Middlesex, NC   
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