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Depression overwhelms me in the most foulest of ways.
Even now I continue to lay in my bed for days.
I feel all the weight of my current and past lives are on my chest.
Yet even now, I cannot fathom how this, to me, is a pest.

A pest, or should I say a shadow?
A shadow that can only give pain, which is all it has ever known.
As the shadow has always been there from the beginning with me.
Although through infancy I felt hardly a presence.
And now, it feels as if the presence has manifested a physical form.
Am I this shadow? That I cannot tell.
This poem is what I felt at the crack of dawn. Around 4 to 5 am, I could not sleep because of how depressed I was. Yet, this poem was suppose to head one direction but went another route instead. Either way, I can only hope the community enjoys this piece.
Our lives are what matters, situated against scattered stories and pending plots.
I’d take fear of the unknown every day of every hour when defenses drop.

We spoke briefly of quiet things, a midnight kiss that could never exist in the sun or a pacing parade that trampled through the tunnels of our town.

Things are different now, and it’s most likely our fault - just not by choice.
There’s a part of me that chastises myself when I hear your voice.

I’m a method of apology, you - you’re my saving grace.
I choke on the words that aren’t said, not knowing, if said, they’ll find their intended place.

I’ve tried to trade my transgressions for time alone,
and all that I’ve found out is that my fears exists, right there, below.

I gave all of me to yours, in the end, it’s hard to wonder what else is more?

Help me handle hope better.

Even then in my final hour, my mind wandered there, to her.

A static memory, barely formed that did its best to bend and break.
Stacked against me, whispers and weeping, it was my own life I feared I’d take.

A silent cancer soothes my soul, it mumbles “the end is near,”
Yet love comprehends and overflows - making it hard to hear.

Just one more day, another mile, make the new become old,
everything that matters has vanished, it’s this new life that’s gone unsold.

One door closes, and another opens - a chance at something more?
I check the handle, reside to my fate, what is this lock for?
i think it must have been

all those shooting stars

that we saw

on our first few nights together

and for each one i saw

i wished for you

and only you
if I should sleep with a lady called death
get another man with firmer lips
to take your new mouth in his teeth
(hips pumping pleasure into hips).

Seeing how the limp huddling string
of your smile over his body squirms
kissingly, I will bring you  every spring
handfuls of little normal worms.

Dress deftly your flesh in stupid stuffs,
phrase the immense weapon of your hair.
Understanding why his eye laughs,
I will bring you every year

something which is worth the whole,
an inch of nothing for your soul.
Nobody understands you
I want to know
Why you ****
The pain you cause
You make warriors fall to their knees
Everybody worships you
You haunt nightmares
You are an evil sorcerer
Your prison locks away the forgotten
In a place where
Creativity, imagination, and color
They do not exist
They are not welcome

I hate you Death
You have taken from me
You thief!
You are evil
You torture my mind
My body screams for the pain to stop
You **** me from the inside out
You possess my thoughts
There is nothing worse
You filthy liar!  You cheater!
I hope you suffer beyond belief!
I hate you, Death

And yet,
Without you
There would still be pain
You end all that
With one movement
What is worse than death?
Many, many are worse than Death
You may be a devil, Death
I will never understand you
You have helped me through life
And when it is my time to end
I will do it willingly
Thank you, Death

The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,
  The maddest noise that grows,—
The birds, they make it in the spring,
  At night’s delicious close.

Between the March and April line—
  That magical frontier
Beyond which summer hesitates,
  Almost too heavenly near.

It makes us think of all the dead
  That sauntered with us here,
By separation’s sorcery
  Made cruelly more dear.

It makes us think of what we had,
  And what we now deplore.
We almost wish those siren throats
  Would go and sing no more.

An ear can break a human heart
  As quickly as a spear,
We wish the ear had not a heart
  So dangerously near.
 Jan 2018 Shanntelle Castle
Right now the whole world is spinning
And me just sitting here on the train and grinning
It feels so strange being alone so late at night
I am still thinking should I run or just stay out of sight
People don't understand how I feel
How much her love means to me and wonder if it's real
The moon is full the wind is cold and not a cloud in the dark sky
On this night I did crack a smile
It hasn't been there for quite a while
The sun It will always shine
But it's raining in my head again
All of these thoughts always hoping everything will be just fine
As my body shivers from the cold
My heart pounding with the heat from the love i have for her which in fact will never grow old
All the faces on the train
Moods they differ from face to face
All the while hoping hoping Noone can see my pain
The planes take off in the distance
The train comes to a sudden stop and I am standing there in some kind of trance
But these tears they continue to fall
I am breathing..... the question remains am I alive at all
Dark gray abis
you peer down
pure darkness
but out of the dark
shines a bright brilliant light
but here the catch
the abis is my life
and the light
well thats you
I am writing this as
I stand -beer in hand- watching
Neil Gaiman being

Interviewed on stage in
Oslo. He has more to say
Than many, to poets

And those living lives; others.
"Writing is like composting.  
You have an idea. You

Leave it to rot... and
Things will grow
From it."
Oslo. May 26th, 19.27ish, 2014.
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