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 Sep 2014 Jay A Yoder
Andy Cave
A flower blossoms as a bird sings its song
life is beautiful but it doesn't last long,
so enjoy it while it's here, don't wait till it's gone
or you might miss the flowers and the birds lovely songs.
 Sep 2014 Jay A Yoder
You called me a god and I believed you and I thought you would always wait for me thought your love for me was infinite texted you drunk because you can't judge me I judge you that's how this works but I remember when you said you were an atheist and I realized that I am a human just like you and when given enough time you can overcome any obstacle and I was the biggest one in your way so you went around me and now I am alone and godless and you have found a new idol and I write about you when I'm drunk I guess that probably tells you something and I love you I just don't know what that means yet please do not forget about me
I'm sorry this isn't a poem I'm drunk and sad
 Sep 2014 Jay A Yoder
Buy me a book to write my life away,
My weird fuckery, ***** nasty thoughts
laced with you.

Days pass diluted with memories of you.
I remember when the sun danced for you.
It danced off your mahogany skin to mine.
I remember how you kissed every part of my soul,
Caressed each line and bend of me.

My heart wrote music for you once,
Melodies for you ears only.  

Buy me a book and I will fill every page,
line, space, boarder with you.
The man of my past and present
who traces  scares with intent to kiss.
Watch me then
Watch me now
Your silence is soft
But silence is loud.
Another poem from Eternal.
Five years
Eleven cries
Don't go now
Don't let it die

A thousand years,
Two-hundred cries,
It's never gone,
But it nearly dies.
Brigitte and Aiden again
I can’t say a word
If I do the world will end.
I’ll be the cause
I’ll be the blame.
I can’t write anymore.
My words are too strong
Slowly, you’ll die.
I can’t say a word,
I’ve said too much
Like insects eating me,
I’ll be the fire
I’ll be the bomb.
I can’t write anymore
My words are defeating
Slowly, I’ll die.
I can’t say a word
If I do, the world will end.
I’ll be the cause
I’ll be the blame
I’ll be the bomb
I’ll be the flame.
I wrote this poem because I was feeling depressed one day. But later decided to incorporate it into my book.
Who are you?
Are you a human gentle and sad?
Are you a flower slowly wilting?
Maybe you’re the sun burning with radiation,
Or a myth that outlived a century,

Who you are is not what you think.
Maybe you’re actually a star burning with gas,
Or a medallion worn around an empress’s neck.
Or maybe,
You’re the God.

Maybe, you know exactly who you are,
Because the spirit never changes.
This poem really describes the whole story of Eternal. Eternal Two is currently being written.
She wrote:
Meet me there.
Run across the track.
I never watch you leave,
Please, come back.

He wrote:
If you never watch me leave,
Then I am still here.
I watch over you, darling.
I'll be there.
Everyone forgets your name
The name never spoken
The name never said

The name that sang songs
Too beautiful for the ear
The name that waltzes on every tongue
The name that’s like a being
Like a creature that hides
Only to be seen by chosen

This name that is never said
This name that is never spoken—
Only remember this:

Everyone forgets.
Another poem I wrote weeks before deciding to put it in my book.

— The End —