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9.4k · Jan 2015
Ice Skating
Chii Jan 2015
ice skating is like loving
you hold on to the edge, afraid to fall, get yourself hurt and let go
but eventually you will have to let go and learn how to glide freely on your own
sure you will fall on your **** and you will get hurt
but that's how you'll learn
and thats how you become strong
by picking yourself up and moving forward

8.9k · Dec 2014
Chii Dec 2014
Others type a simple "<3"
What I type is "<352628"
They ask me what does the other numbers represent and I just say "I dont know"
But deep down I know
That it's complicated
I'm complicated
My heart is complicated

7.7k · May 2015
Chii May 2015
You're no hero
And he's no hero either
But he managed to save me
And you?
Well, you didn't even try....

6.0k · Apr 2014
Fairy Godmother
Chii Apr 2014
Once upon a time
A princess fell inlove with a prince
But he wasn't the typical prince
He didn't fight dragons for the prinxess
Or give her the best jewels in town
Or give her flowers

He didn't climb up the princess' window at night just to be with her
Or take her out into picnic dates or stargazing dates or whatever
But he made the princess happy
Really happy.

But one day, the princess found out something that changes everytjing
She wasn't the princess in this story
She was the fairy godmother trying to save the prince who was acting out as a damsel in distress

A damsel in distress who feels worthless
Who feels that the world hated him
Who needed an anchor to save him from sinking
Who was inlove with an angel who he knows that he can never reach

Poor princess thought that what they have was real
She thought they could reach that famous happy ending
But in the end
She was never his princess
She was just a fairygodmother who made the prince happy
Who saved him from sinking the ship
Who gave him ALL but in the end, it's still not enough

Tragic wasn't it?
Let this be all a lesson to us
If we love someone
Make sure they are worthy for our love
Don't give everything
Don't give your 100 percent to someone you're not even sure about
Just love. Enjoy. Cry. Laugh. Love love love.
We may break. We may hurt because of it
But it'll make us stronger and wiser
And when we meet out real "princess" or "prince charming"
We'll know how to prove that happily ever after really exists :)
3.2k · Apr 2014
Different kinds of love
Chii Apr 2014
There are different kinds of love
An example is a fireworks love
At first, you're in awe
You're really really enchanted to watch it
To feel the excitement bubbling in

But eventually, the excitement you're feeling will subside
And of course, the fireworks itself will eventually stop and fade away

But in true love
It's not just fireworks
It's stars
Because they will always stay there in the nightsky even after 8 gazillion years

2.1k · Dec 2014
Chii Dec 2014
my heart is like a compass that points straight to you
because even if i walk away and go off in another direction
it will still lead me back to you

1.4k · Dec 2014
Chii Dec 2014
Stop being so sweet because I am a sucker for sweet goodies.
And baby, i dont want to be diabetic.
1.3k · Jul 2015
Chii Jul 2015
maybe our relationship is like a Mosaic. broken and cracked into pieces
but at the same time,
pieced and held together beautifully
913 · Jan 2015
Chii Jan 2015
Before I met you, I didnt keep a journal or a diary
Thats because I didnt have anything to write
My life was just a big blob of blur
But then you came
And suddenly
I wanted to jot down everything that happened between you and me
Because I want to remember us
Even if the "us" is only on paper

829 · Dec 2014
Chii Dec 2014
You're my Nemo because even though there are lots of fishes in the sea, you're the only one that I will always look for.

718 · Mar 2015
Take Me To Church
Chii Mar 2015
they say that if you visit a church for the first time, God will grant you one wish

if that's the case then I will go and visit all the churches here in the Philippines and use all my wishes to wish for you

622 · Dec 2014
Our Love
Chii Dec 2014
Our love is like learning how to play the guitar
We'll make mistakes along the way
Get ourselves hurt strumming the strings
Learn how to be patient
Go beyond the limits sometimes and get carried away with the idea of curiousity

Learn new chords, new songs, new things that eventually will lead us to the right track
Take a quick break from everything and just cool it off when we get tired from playing
But then get back on the beauty of never giving up in order to finish the song you're learnig
Or in our case.. What we've started

With each passing strum
With each callus peeled on our skin, our hands or finger will be stronger, rougher and harder.. just like us
And then after all these, we'll perfectly play the most beautiful song and melody there is
A song and melody called "Us" or "Love" or "Forever"
or "Together", whatever

521 · Apr 2015
Chii Apr 2015
You were my wish that was never granted


— The End —