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Lark 5d
"I AM NOT afraid, i was born to do this" please, jehanne la pucelle--
here, humming, the constant
burn whilst he--inkspinner--mollifies and
****** ****** skin
afraid--the hum, epauliere lying
heavy, cumbersome--my shoulders are broad and
moth eaten, trembling, waste;
mom, my canines hurt; i have to
show my teeth.
there are gauntlets in my skin, mom, licks of
fever-heat beneath my heels.
I draw the Weary longsword.
"I AM the drum." see: i too spit blood, raise the banner; are we the drum, all
you and i? watch the masses close in.
conflagration inferno round and round;
the sting of flesh, the weight,
the ache in my gums; the
drum, which GOD beats out HIS message please, mom, it
hurts. please, jehanne, it hurts please beg me BE NOT AFRAID
Not sure how I feel about the flow of this.
Lark Oct 7
weight, gentle against the softness of
my belly; there, mandible, and the
other: ribbons of cornflower fettering
hollow-bird-bones soothing
dessicated pinions; chasing the
empty billow 'neath ribs swelling, stretching, the
emptiness of the throat; gazing down; stroking
gentle against a silken cranium; pressure
points, GV20 TH21 GB20, then
down the pinna,
watched with placid wet eyes. Fingers
weave into your scruff, curling, longing;
Lark Oct 3
LORD GOD i know it's been a
while since my knock
knees bruised the floor
sweating hands prostrate
still trembling. starving, LORD.
sated, LORD.  please, thine
cut-and-dry intimations intimidated
by each opaque insinuation;
i am tangled razor wire
twisted desire LORD GOD i
know it's been a while.
Lark Oct 2
in the afternoon we chew our pills,
sweating the backs of knees, armpits,
blessed the skittering of grass on down-brushed
pulsing behind our eyes, weeping the veins,
shuddering the voltaic nerves. god,
the excedrin.
Lark Oct 2
with the gumption of some-
one far wiser in years, you told us
you wanted to fly. Ok, alright.
Sticky fingered and ****-kneed
perched up on the tower of Babel,
kicking the breeze:
       "sorry, are you okay?" licking
bruised ankles and knees,
you're still walking, modern day
James Dean.

— The End —