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It takes a very strong woman
to remain gentle!

By Lady R.F ©2015
I once quoted (a few years back) ...
"It takes a very strong woman
to remain gentle!"

...believe me, I wasn't wrong!

This kind of special woman
must be equal parts of gentleness
and strength - this is what makes
a warrior of a woman emotionally strong!

She must be kind,
tender and sensitive -
and she must know her total value
and self-worth,

She must be brave,
courageous and self-disciplined -
but she must also be empathetic and kind towards herself--as well as with
everyone else on earth!

"It takes a very strong woman
to remain gentle!"

...this is my little secret,
for a woman to find self-happiness,

She mustn't let the world
turn her sour - in keeping with this,
she will never, ever lose
her loving tenderness,
her precious sweetness,
or her delicate, unique softness.

By Lady R.F ©2017
Always trying to self-inspire.
One can never be strong enough
In this cruel, unkind world!
She carries
A blazing fire,

It is hidden
Deep down inside her.

It keeps her warm
On long, chilly winter nights,
And endless icy-cold days,

Summer resides inside her,
An unconditional, empathetic love
Burns brightly - a raging fire ablaze.

The warmest of hearts
She carries,
Through winter's unbearably numbing
Harshness - when temperatures are
Beyond being stone-cold,

A fire deep down inside her -
A loving heart
Overflowing with the purest of gold.

This fire can melt your
Ice-cold tears,

It can craddle,
And rid you,
Of all your fears.

Summer resides inside her,
Throughout every season
Of the year,

If ever she were
To see you
Out in the cold,
She would surely bring you near.

By Lady R.F ©2016
A group of black clouds
they had come to be together -
for the blue sky, had sadly,
just passed away,

The Sun
switched its warm,
radiant, bright light off -
paying respect to the memory
of another lost,
perfect Summer's day.

Heaven's gates stood
with arms wide open,
flooded the grounds
with heavy,
warm tears of rain,

Upon these warm tears stopping,
A delightful,
sensationally bright,
glowing rainbow
miraculously came forth -
A sign
that Summer's rain—Heaven's warm tears,
were not, at all, in vain.

By Lady R.F ©2016
We are being held hostage
by our fears,

We are fighting so hard
not to unleash our tears.

We are sinking
into the ground,
as we walk into the bellies
of many a horrific
and catastrophic storm,

We are trying
to hold our hearts together
because they are in pieces -
they were heartlessly broken to bits
and torn.

We are lost in a maze,
and we are completely out of breath,

We are staring into a ******* hole -
our pending final resting place,
upon our lonely death.

We are spinning out of control,
We are scared of falling
into the dark void - that intimidating
black hole.

We are all alone in a world
that is unfamiliar to our minds,
and to our shattered souls,
in every way,

We are in survival-mode
every single mentally overwhelming,
challenging, but blessed, new day.

By Lady R.F ©2017
A bad run
Doesn't mean a bad life!
Everyday is a blessing.
Life can be cruel, but the blessing is in each new sunrise, each moment with our loved ones, and each forward step we take.

The sun will shine in due time,
We have to take the good with the bad.

We are warriors!
We are grateful!
We are blessed!
Never assume
Or answer your own questions,
Do not begin to imagine
That you know
What's in my head,

Sometimes my words
Are purposely left unspoken,
Sometimes I need to pause...
...Because my mind is too heavy
Inside my head; it's as though
My mind is momentarily blocked
And filled with lead!

My silence
Is never in motion
Without reason,
Nor is it to ignore -
It is never with arrogance
Or malcontent,  

It's just that
I tend to go numb
And get overwhelmed by life--
Due to my Anxiety -
Extracting reason
Becomes almost impossible;
Under pressure and stress, 
My thoughts,
I cannot explain or shed.

Life can be overwhelming,
Anxiety doesn't help
The situation
At all,

My mind shuts-down,
Forcing me to go into survival-mode -
Because it's better for me to pause...
...rather than to completely snap,
Break and fall.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Tangled in a web
of malicious destruction,
whilst spectators
enjoy the show,

in a dark crowded room
without windows,
lost with nowhere
safe to go.

by the breath-stealers,
and their curses -
it's taking a terrible toll
on an innocent soul,

attaching themselves
like a virus,
to every healthy living cell -
poisoning every breath
is their goal.

Causing havoc,
running amok,

breaking a spirit,
wishing nothing
but misfortune - bad luck!

It's as though
they have a seal
placed upon their hearts,

they continue to
flap their serpent tongues...
For them,
there is no salvation -
with the devil they conspire,
he supplies and multiplies
their toxic darts.

I almost pity their souls,
for they sold them,
whilst they were
already blessed,

never ever
will these evil servants
peacefully rest!

By Lady R.F ©2016
The Angels
blow their breath
into her ink,

Each one of her words
are a reflection
of her pure soul;
a direct link.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Holding on to precious memories
Ever so tightly,
Whilst haunted by "The Big Finale"
Daily and nightly.

Anxiety is the heart's painful pounding beat,
Fear of time slipping away - having it ripped From under one's feet.

Years feel like days,
Months feel like minutes,
Precious moments escaping,
Bound and confined by limits.

Life now resembles
Only a few remaining quick blinks of the eyes,
Trying not to dwell
On the sad,
Depressing facts;
Suppressing tears - internal
Are the soul's echoing cries.

By Lady R.F ©2016
I'm too fixated in each moment -
Each moment feels so intense,

I'm lost
On the dark side of the moon,
And nothing here has any warmth,
Worth or substance ~
Nothing here makes any sense.

Even my own shadow has left me.
The Monsters, still lurking
In the darkness,
Have stolen all of my hopes
And dreams away,

I can hear the wolves,
They are hauntingly howling -
There's nowhere safe that I can run to,
On this, here, dark, dreary day.

There will be no stars
To light up the pitch-black night-skies,
They have already fallen,
Just like the Angels
That I once loved and knew,

Everything that I once held onto
As sacred, has been molested -
I've been abandoned, once again;
Hell, again, I am being forced
To walk through.

Alone, I was born and raised,
Only my pain has been consistent-
It has held my hand
Throughout my entire life.

At some point, somehow,
I stupidly gave birth
To expectations,
Luckily, I woke up
And divorced reality,
Hence becoming solitude's
Dedicated and loving wife.

On the dark side of the moon
Compassion, loyalty and trust
Are nonexistent.
Evil dwells in almost every man
And woman,

Each with his or her own agenda,
Each with his or her own selfish plan.

Saviors do not exist,
Superheroes all wear masks,

Unconditional love is but an illusion,
Here, I revert to relying solely
On the harshness of reality,
For, the truth, it always exposes
And unmasks.

The dark side of the moon
Is a very lonely, isolating place,
In which to dwell,

There is no sunshine,
No stars or Angels -
The only light visible
Comes from the flames
Of the evildoers'
Raging fiery hell!

Placed here against my will,
No lush green valley in sight,

Taken away
From the divinity of nature,
I was cruelly robbed
Of my radiant life-giving daylight.

Doomed for being too real,
Too open and too honest,
Doomed for loving too much.

Doomed for believing in superheroes,
Doomed for allowing a human
To become my crutch.

Doomed for being too empathetic,
Doomed for being too sincere.

Doomed for being too kind
And too generous,
I'm doomed, abandoned here.

I blame only myself
For allowing my intuitive awareness
And intelligence to fade away
Like the stars that once adorned
Every exquisite night-sky,

I blame only myself
For not using the blessed insight
Of my third eye.

I'm too fixated in each moment,
Each moment feels so intense,

I'm too passionate about life
To give up and remain imprisoned
On the dark side of the moon...
But I'm too emotionally weak
And disappointed to jump the fence.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
I let go,
I lost my grip,
I couldn't hold on
any longer,

I felt my disappointed heart
break in two
when it became obvious
that I was no longer
"the strong her."

Whist falling I realised,
as my life flashed before my eyes,
that I regretted
the day that I surrendered my wings,
the very lifesaving things,
I, now, needed,

My soul shattered,
before hitting the ground,
knowing that I would meet my end

By Lady R.F  (C) 2017
Many people say
that life is nothing but a test,
they say we'll die long before
our souls truly get to rest.

I've heard some people say
that from birth
we are already doomed,
and that it's all down-hill
once our petals have bloomed.

I've also heard some people say
that we already live in hell,
and that heaven is only a fairytale,

I say...
feed positivity to your soul,
never give up on reaching for your goal!
Never stop looking up into the sky,
life is full of wonder,
let me tell you why...

You see,
we always get back what we give,
our energy is mirrored - it reflects the energy 
we, in turn, will receive - we control
how we see life
and how we choose to live.

To find our blessings
we have to see beyond the struggles,
YES! difficult as it is,
we have to stay positive
through all of life's hurdles.

Life is a gift!
Just look into any innocent child's
hope-filled eyes,
deep inside them
God has implanted unconditional love
in abundance  - I tell you no lies!

Our children carry
all of the strength and hope
that we will ever need,
they are the beating hearts
of our souls - for them we bleed!

They will continue to keep
our spirits alive,
they are a part of us - we live inside them;
there, we will never really die.
Because of them, we survive!

Life is a gift,
a miracle made from pure love,
it is so much more than just a test!
Look deep down inside,
you will find
a bottomless treasure chest!

Life is a precious gift!
Think positively,
your spirits will lift!

By Lady R.F ©2016
I wrote this to counteract my negative feelings tonight. It helped!
It was a handful
of empathetically attentive people
who noticed that she was absent,
even though she was standing
in the centre
of the well-lit room,

It was the same few
helpless people
who witnessed the moment
that she disappeared;
as she vanished
into the dense thickness
of Anxiety's terrifyingly wretched,
shroud of gloom.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Anxiety is my enemy,
always has been,
and I'm almost sure that it always will be.
I've lost so much because of it,
but I will never stop fighting
for control, and my freedom.

I thank everyone for their support.
The right person
not only makes your dreams come to life,
moreover, the right person
makes your life come into your dreams;
because your life, with that person in it,
is that good!

By Lady R.F ©2016
Unlike many others,
who are afraid
to let anyone know
what they really think,
and how they really feel...

She writes it all down,
she let's it all out;
and she wears her heart
like a crown!
When it comes to being brave...
she's the real deal!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
I love the real me - the me I was born to be,
when I am surrounded by the forest trees
in the Australian bush lands,

I love the anxiety-free version of me,
when I am unrestricted and unrestrained
emotionally and mentally,
when I can breathe, as my chest freely expands.

I love the sense of freedom,
as my mind floats and dances through the bushes, like a precious, delicate butterfly,

I love the feeling of the earth grabbing
at my ankles, sinking my feet-- planting them deep inwards,
as I gaze through the evergreen canopy
into a perfect blue sky.

I was born
to be in nature's tender embrace,
if only you could see the satisfied look
on my innocent face,
when I am in the heart
of such a peaceful, magical place,

You would see an amazing, wondrous love,
as I let go and become a free little dove,
because the forests fits my soul
just like a second skin glove.

If anybody should be living in the woods,
It should be me!

City life has never cut it for me,
It's not where my soul chose to be,
Or wants to be.

I love being the real me,

The Rosalie,
that I was born to be!

By Lady R.F ©2017
He makes me feel
Every moment--completely,

Making me want to live,
Inside each one--infinitely!

By Lady R.F.(C)2016
He made me feel
Every moment - completely,

Making me want to live
Inside each one - infinitely.

By Lady R.F ©2017
20 Years
Has to be taught,
Has to be sought.

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
How can anyone know
what you are feeling,
when you don't even know yourself?

How can anyone understand
what you are going through,
when it makes no sense to one's self?

How can anyone begin to determine
the thoughts that are running
through your mind?

Nobody can feel or understand
the raw emotions
that you alone come to find!

Nobody knows you better
than you know yourself,

If your lucky, in your lifetime,
you may unravel the riddle;
only then
will you find your true self!

By Lady R.F ©2017
A vault
in which our secret,
silent prayers are kept.

By Lady R.F ©2016
#Sky #Vault #Secret #Silent #Prayers
The war was finally over,
His longing heart
Was homeward bound,

Truest of true love
Was soon to be reunited,
An infinite love
Was once again to become
Peaceful, safe-and-sound.

The war was finally over,
Sweethearts ran into eachothers
Warm embraces,

Their souls infused and intertwined,
Just like when they were created,
Home Sweet home was written
All over their faces.

The war was finally over,
They were invincible--inseparable,
Like the good-old-days,

Not even a war
Could separate them,
They shared a bond
That was unbreakable;
They were born for eachother,
They were a beautiful,
Imperfect, perfection,
Obvious to everyone
In many ways.

The war was finally over,
Together they prayed
That forever
Would be a gift
From God above,

That each day
Would last a lifetime,
In eachothers arms
They would happily reside;
That nothing would ever
Come between their divine,
One-of-a-kind, precious love.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Think outside the box.
Don't control, confine, contain
Or restrain yourself within a box.
Your mind is a beautiful, cosmic, Boundless space.
Look within.
You will realise
Your mind is not a square.

Lose yourself
Inside the infinite universes
That you constantly create.
You are an endless library
Of unique brilliance...
But only look
If you dare.

By Lady R.F (C)2018⚘
the same never-ending,
winding corridors,

Dimmed lights,
***** white walls,
no windows,
no doors,
square-tiled floors.

for what seems like
an eternity,

Stupid girl!
Her mind in a whirl!
Holding hope for an exit,
dreaming about
what it would be like
on the other side of those walls--externally.

Accustomed to the restrictions - sadly!

Hurting, defeated, anxious - badly!

Imprisoned mentally!

Acknowledging it, finally!

No denial, there, nor here!

You'd think she'd be over the fear;

Well, she's not!

She still hurts alot!

All alone in her mind
with her messy thoughts
and her regrets,

She's given away so much
unconditional love,
her heart and soul
have many outstanding depts.

She's had way too much time
to think about
all of the ****
that she's been through!

She hasn't healed,
those ***** walls don't understand,
they listen,
but they haven't any clue!

those same corridors,
never wanting to look back,

With only one direction,
you'd think it be impossible
that she would get so lost...
I mean, after all,
it's a one-way ****** track!

But she did,
and she always does, too!

Getting confused, and lost,
for her, is nothing new!

She found herself
in those deserted corridors
at a very young, tender age,

Don't know how or why
it happened to her,
I can't even begin
to try to explain it
on this page.

I wish i could,
it would probably help her alot
if i did,

But it's a very long story,
winding and never-ending,
just like those corridors,
so it's best that I don't lift the lid.

She doesn't want to look back,

the same

By Lady R.F.(C)2017
I have almost
given up
so many times,
as I always
put everything else
above my own.

this time,
when I took my pen out
from its resting place,
I made it a promise:
Never again will I leave it alone!

~ I Promise, till death do us part!

By Lady R.F ©2016
Moments pass,
Days go by,

Time, it is too honest -
Arrogant, not shy.

It comes, and it goes,
It cares not, for your emotions,

It steals your dreams,
It throws them into
the deepest depths,
of the darkest, vastest oceans.

Time, it spares no pain,
It reminds you, constantly,
That it will soon take you...

It trys so hard
to make you anxious -
It will eventually break you!

It teases you
with the most pleasurable moments,
Those, that you will never forget...

It gives you special memories -
most precious,
and a few,
that you may live long enough
to regret.

Time, is an absolute blessing.
However, its inevitable end,
feels like a massive curse,

It ticks away faster
As you get older,
Making all of your anxieties
Feel horribly worse.

Time, it is impetuous,
And, unfortunately,
There a many souls
Who lack appreciation
For every blessed, precious,
Unstoppable second.

Sadly, they realise this,
Only when their final moments
Are about to come - when their last Breath is about to be taken;
When their soul
Has been beckoned.

It kisses you,
Then it runs,

It causes chaos,
But, still,
With every second of it,
That we are blessed,
It makes us,
The lucky ones!

By Lady R.F ©2016
"The unveiling"
Of all that the master design
Promises to bring,

All of the answers
To the unknown;
The wonder of everything.

"The inevitable,"
"God's will,"
"The out of our control,"

"The final destination"
For each and every soul.

Some call it destiny,
Some call it God's big master plan,

Some call it fate,
Some say it's predestination
For every man.

The doctrine
That God has ordained
All that will happen,

That nothing is by chance;
Not even a misshapen!

In the grand scheme of things,
Whether you believe
Any of these theories to be true,

It will all be revealed to you,
What is meant to be,
Will eventually be for you;
There's nothing we can do!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
Long lived dreams
painted with clouds
in the sky,
so vivid,
just a touch away
from her delicate fingertips,

They keep her feeling alive,
they keep her wide-eyed,
whilst the salt
from the crashing waves
spray onto her dried up lips.

A fire burns brightly
deep down inside,
but she's too numb
to feel the pain,

Through her beautiful,
innocent, tired eyes
you can see the flame.

She pushes it all aside;
in her dreams
she finds a place to hide

Every day
she does the same.

Exhaling as the sun sets
each and every night,

Dying, over and over again;
reborn, time and time again,
at the sight of morning's light.

Holding her own trembling hand,
trying so hard not to lose her grip,

on the edge
of her world,
trying so hard
she won't survive
another slip.

Listening out for answers
howling in the vicious wind,
she fails to hears anything,

Clutching hope, and faith,
praying that her love for life
will conquer everything.

She's a fighter!
she will be reborn again;
from the mountain top
you will hear her sing!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
You may both share
all of the love in this world,
but it still won't be enough
to fix certain things,

It could very possibly be
that very love,
that you both share,
that is responsible for your
shattered souls
and broken wings!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
The beautiful metallic paint
began to chip and peel away,
by the scorching heat
of that year's destructively brutal,
devastating, summer sun,

It quickly became obvious
That its original colour had been
all along.
From that moment on,
it all began to come undone.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
The day he stole my heart,
I knew I'd never get it back,

So I stole his heart
As payback - never to be returned;
I'll never give it back!

By Lady R.F ©2017
The best part,
and the most part,
of my life
has been invaded
by something
which is foreign to my soul,
to my mind,
and to my body,

It consumes me,
it tortures me,
daily and nightly.

It is an uninvited,
intolerable alien,
I am the taken-over host,

I am cruelly entertained
by this wicked,
unholy ghost
~ Anxiety.

By Lady R.F ©2016
A warrior keeps rising
like radical waves
in violent seas,

Regardless of how many times
a warrior keeps falling,
their valiance
will never cease.

Strength, courage,
and determination
are the mechanisms
built within,

Valiance reigns supreme
with this human being;
even if they are defeated,
they still win!

By Lady R.F ©2016
She turns words into
Heartfelt emotions,
She fills your thoughts with
Visions sublime,

She is the kindest soul
One will ever meet,
She shares herself,
With everyone,


Poetic rhyme




By Lady R.F ©2016

Having a ticket in your hand
to travel all over the world
is absolutely useless
if you do not have a passport!

Having all of the money
you could ever possibly want
is absolutely useless
if your health
does not match your wealth -
if your life is going to be cut short!

Having what you want
does not necessarily mean
that you have everything
that you need!

Having what you need
along with having what you want
is the only possible way
that you can succeed!

Lady R.F ©2017
The time has come
to show them what you hide
beneath your cape,
the time has come
to remove the
"DO NOT CROSS" barricade tape.

It's time to step out
from behind the big old oak tree,
it's time to stand tall, hold your head up,
and let them see.

It's time to show the world
who you are,
it's time to show them
that you sparkle and shine brighter
than any diamond or star.

The time has come
to let your inner voice be heard,
it's time to spread your hidden wings,
among all of your other beautiful
unique things.

It's time to let them all know
what you've been holding on to,
the list of many extraordinary things
your soul is prone to.

It's time to let your soul shine,
step out into the light, it's your time!

It's time to let them know
what you feel, and what you think,
it's time to express yourself - your wisdom
and experience could be their missing link.

It's time to introduce them
to the 'Warrior' in you,
it's time to do what you need to do.

The time has come
to show them what you hold sacred,
deep within,
the time has come
for you to use your divine words
and to let your soul sing.

The time has come!
Show them that you are
a 'Warrior For Life'
and then some!

By Lady R.F (C) 2016
I feel too much,
I care too much.

I see too much,
I hear too much,

Even a whisper,
is heard loud and clear,

Nothing goes unnoticed,
it feels like a curse - one that I fear.

I sense too much,
I hurt too much,

I cherish joy too much,
I remember too much.

Every word
that was ever said,

Tosses and turns
in my heart
and in my head.

I think too much,
I give too much,

I know too much,
I grow too much.

I evaluate my insecurities

I punish myself
for turning out this way.

I never ask for much
I never take too much,

I never want too much,
my only real problem is ...
that I love--way, way too much.

~ I'm sorry.

By Lady R.F ©2017
Shall I stop writing
Because you do not read?

Shall I stop trying to get through life
Because you think
I will not succeed?

Shall I stop planting my thoughts -
Each poem a precious seed,

Shall I stop being myself
Because you do not see beauty
In self-expression,
Or because you see a wildflower
As a ****?

What do you want from me?

You be you!
Let me be!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Our individuality
Is what makes us special.
Stay true to yourself!
Place me back
into my mother's arms,
or on my father's shoulders,
embracing his ineffable charms.

The highest place I've ever been,
an overwhelming security
felt within.

Place me back
into my mother's and my father's
warm embraces,
the two places I saw unconditional pure love written all over loving faces.

Place me back
so I can feel it all again,
so I can feel safe and secure,
so I can forgive myself
right there, right then.

So I can live a life
without regret,
I didn't realise back then
that time would disappear
so fast - those years,
I will never ever forget.

Lady R.F ©2017
When I feel lost - place me back.

Ti amo per sempre
Mum & Dad
Venturing out
Into the woods.
Everything behind her
Is in Black and white -
Grey, but with a hope-filled
Blue sky.

Her red butterfly
Carries her transformed ideals
Within - it's always hovering close-by.

With every forward step,
Away from this manipulated
painful reality,

The scenery is painted,
Bringing it all to life -
A rainforest green;
Her sacred canopy.

Ever so bright,
Be it, by day,
Or, be it, by night.

Black and white do not exist
On this side of her world -
There's no grey!
Here, even shadows embrace
The blessed, illuminated,
Brilliant, pure light.

And dullness,
Instantaneously banished!

Momentously replaced by
An addictive, elated state of vitality -
A miraculous invisible substance;
She embraces her newfound sanity!
Insanity just vanished!

Her aura
Paints her surroundings,
They are so alive -
In high definition, in full colour.
There are no toxins here,
No sorrow,

Nothing is needed,
Time stands still -
No need to borrow.

All of the brokenness
Is left behind,

She wanders off! -
Her soul
Free to unwind.

Here, she has no fear of heights -
There is a sacred comfort
In all that is phenomenally high,  
And so,
In all that grows,
From deep down

She inhales purity
Into her lungs,
She exhales
All of her noxious emotions,
She sighs with relief,
As she lets them all go.

Sinking her feet
Into the rich ground,

Each footstep brings her closer
To the edge of her world;
This is where she is often found.

Here, she is free...
She asks herself  "To stay, or to go?" 
The answer, she already knows,

The soft breeze carries
This wanderlust decision away,
As the free-spirited wind
Gently blows.

By Lady R.F ©2016
This poem was written to describe, and to help explain, the cover of my book.
"The Edge of My World"
(soon to be released.)
It explains why I chose the cover, and what I was feeling and thinking.
It explains my book's contents.
My crystal-clear
ran dry,

so I dipped
my quill-pen tip
into the sky.

I said
a little prayer,

and blew it out
into the air.

I spent a tear,
I sighed a little sigh,

I tried so hard
not to breakdown
and cry.

I took a deep breath
and closed my eyes,

I hoped
that the heavens
would hear
my silent cries.

I sat down
with my back
against our big tree,

it still looked
exactly the same
as it used to be.

A white dove came
and greeted me,

I then remembered
those words
you once said to me...

"It's in your blood,
it runs through your veins...
Just let your inner voice
guide your hand,
its ink
will leave beautiful stains!"

I thanked
the Gracious,
Merciful Lord
up above,

for he,
sent those words to me,
through the beautiful
white dove.

The white dove flew
from the branch
of our big tree,

I knew
that the white dove
was sent
to watch over me.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Some kids act like men
Some men act like kids

By Lady R.F ©2017
A precious, single wildflower
All alone in a field
Of plush-green,

Ineludible beauty,
She stands-out in this meadow,
More beautiful than anything
My naked eyes
Have ever seen.

Alone, she stands tall,
Drawn to the sunlight,
Her beauty radiant
Like the sun,

As the sun sets,
On the plush-green blanket,
Gently she rests her fragile head;
Her moonlight dreams
Have now begun.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
I have always been who I am.
However, there have been phases of precious time, long lost, where I was
filling-in the roles that selfish people had me play.

Being one that never wanted to disappoint, they mistook my kindness for weakness - but I always new
that I would give-up show biz
one day!

It wasn't all that long ago
that I decided to make my final courtesy, and take a bow
for the very last time.

It was on that day
that I stopped insulting my soul -
it was on that particular day
that I apoligised to myself,
and I became 'all mine!'

I was never one to disappoint,
but I really owed it to myself.

I gave all glory to my God,
and to my soul...
I did it for the warrior
hiding within - my true-self!

I came to the conclusion
that no one will
love me,
know me,
or care for my soul's needs
the way that I can.

I finally came to the conclusion
that I was just as selfish
as everyone else - because I had
cared more for others
than i had for myself.
So, I devised this plan:

I will be who I was born to be!
Sincere, kind, compassionate, empathetic, honest, forgiving,
and generous...
but smarter, and wiser,
than the average man
or woman!

By Lady R.F ©2016
A little honest piece of me
They can cut through
Your heart,

They can tear you

They can be as sharp
And as blunt
As any knife,
All in the same instance,

They can cause a major shift
In your reality,
They can torture you
Until the end of time,
They can be responsible
For destroying your very existence.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
With elegance,
A Wordsmith interprets
In the exquisite,
Timeless language
Of poetry,

Delicately composing
Beautiful words
Into elaborate sonatas,
Each rendition A graceful,
Classical symphony.

With beauty and intensity,
Full of raw emotions,

Each wordsmith
Extracts their most inner-feelings
And intricately converts them
Into rhythmical compositions.

And this
Is the only fluent language
Their soul is able to speak...

Each sonata they release,
With wings,
Is individually mastered,
Impeccable, and unique.

May each Wordsmith
Never miss a beat,

And continue writing,
With poetic justice,
Their heart's rhythm
On every sheet.


By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Dedicated to the Wordsmiths of our world;
May you never miss a beat and continue writing your heart's rhythm on your sheet.

You know
that you are truly loved
and valued
when you are protected,
especially when you're not there
to defend yourself,

You know
that you are cherished
when your richness
is counted in reassurance,
not in tangible wealth.

You know
that you are truly needed
when loyalty is emotional,
as well as physical,

You know
that you are really wanted
when you are supported
and never ever made to feel mental.

You just know!

By Lady R.F ©2017
I truly, truly believe this
with all of my heart and soul.
You just know!
When good turns into bad,
Life is going to become terribly sad.

When day turns into night,
The sun dies - it can no longer
Shine bright.

When night turns into day,
Don't expect the moonlight to stick around
And light your path's way!

When right becomes wrong,
You must try to stay strong!

When wrong turns into right,
Try to switch-on your inner-strength -
Hopefully, it will be your guiding light.

When hope turns into fear,
Remind yourself that God is near.

When fear takes hold of hope,
You're only human...
Cut the !#!*# ****** rope!

By Lady R.F ©2017
Sorry - excuse the beep,
I'm only human!

— The End —