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  Jan 2016 Koggeki
Snow flake
Soul is deep
Brain feels image
Storms are coming
First haiku  I wish i could give something ...
  Dec 2015 Koggeki
They're out there.
Pens ablaze.
Out to startle
and amaze.
Quite adept at
turn of phrase.
Leaving people
in a daze.
Set the fire.
Smoke's a haze.
The arsonist's
pernicious ways.
Before you know it
reps are razed.
Even tho my
flank is grazed
I won't worry.
I'm unfazed.
Don't base my worth

*upon your praise.
'nuf said.

Koggeki Dec 2015
Distilled dreams drift dazedly.
Drumming dares defiantly!
Defeating deafened demons
Koggeki Dec 2015
May I deign
To drink champagne
With you?
Koggeki Dec 2015
My table is set for Mirth,
But I will tip my hat
At Heart’s companion:
Kumo is the Japanese word for cloud.
I am referencing my, Kumo Poetry Dribble, in the way I personify cloud.

Also, I would like to see you January 1st, 2017.
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