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Dec 2023 · 4.1k
A Bullet's Yearning
Hunter Dec 2023
In the chamber's cold embrace I lay,
A harbinger of despair, a silent plea.
Whispered secrets sealed in metallic skin,
Destined to bear the weight of a desperate sin.

Molded in the shadows I embraced my role,
Not by choice but by the hands that stole
A moment's respite in life's dark despair,
A choice, a whisper, suspended in the air.

From the barrel's mouth I was set free,
A messenger of sorrow, a tragic decree.
Through the void, I journeyed without refrain,
A vessel of anguish, an embodiment of pain.

Not for glory, nor a battlefield's embrace,
But to carve an exit from life's haunting space.
In that fleeting moment of cosmic disdain,
I traced a trajectory, untethered from the sane.

No solace in the cold metal that confined,
No redemption in the trajectory I defined.
A passage through the void, a desperate flight,
A silent scream swallowed by the endless night.

In the aftermath, echoes of a silenced cry,
A hollow testament to a soul's goodbye.
I bear witness to the aftermath's desolation,
As I rest in the silence of my own grim creation.
Dec 2023 · 1.5k
The Truth In Your Lies
Hunter Dec 2023
In the kaleidoscope of affection, I painted you with hues of adoration, blind to your monochrome reality.

Eyes fixed on the canvas of our shared moments,
I brushed away the shadows you cast on the edges.

Your smiles, a palette of warmth, a sunlit mirage,
Masked the colder currents beneath the surface.
I sculpted your silhouette from fragments of devotion,
Blind to the chisel that carved deceit into your contours.

Each word you spoke, a lyrical serenade,
Harmonizing with the symphony of my own yearning.
Yet, within the notes, the discord of deception echoed,
A melody played on strings attuned to your agenda.

In the gallery of my heart, your portrait hung,
A masterpiece crafted by hands that concealed ulterior motives.
I traced the lines of your whispered promises,
Unaware they were sketches of transient commitment.

The truth, veiled in the smoke and mirrors of affection,
Cloaked by the tender illusions of shared vulnerability.
I basked in the radiance of your borrowed light,
Unmindful that shadows were the offspring of your truths.

Blinded by love's unforgiving lens, I sculpted a narrative,
Ignoring the fractures in the marble of our connection.
In the echo chamber of your affirmations,
The resonance of deception, a dissonant undertone.

"The Truth in Your Lies," an exhibition of realization,
Where the canvas of affection reveals concealed motives.
I dismantle the gallery, unframe the illusions,
Confronting the naked truth beneath the painted veneer.
Dec 2023 · 495
Between Echoes And Steel
Hunter Dec 2023
In the silence of the night, footsteps echo,
A man walks a solitary path, a journey untold.
Shadows lengthen, as the city holds its breath,
An unspoken weight in the rhythm of his steps.

The neon glow of urban life flickers,
Illuminating a face weathered by the weight of shadows.
Eyes, once reflecting the universe's wonders,
Now mirror a desolate cosmos, devoid of stars.

He moves with purpose, a specter in the urban sprawl,
Echoes of despair resonate with each step.
Train tracks, a silver ribbon of destiny, await,
A final destination etched in the cold steel.

The night air, pregnant with unspoken farewells,
Breathes life into the silhouette of his solitude.
A decision crystallized in the stillness,
As he approaches the threshold between worlds.

The distant wail of a train, an approaching requiem,
Steel wheels on rails, an ominous hymn of finality.
The man, standing at the edge of oblivion,
A silhouette against the impending locomotive's glow.

In the interplay of shadows and artificial light,
A soul grapples with the void,
unseen and unheard.
The city sleeps, unaware of the silent elegy,
As the man surrenders to the oncoming tide.

In the final breath before impact, a fleeting tableau,
A life extinguished in the collision of despair and steel.
Train tracks, witnesses to a story's tragic terminus,
As the city awakens to a dawn without one soul.
Dec 2023 · 983
Letting Go
Hunter Dec 2023
It commenced not in the ordinary,
No, it carried a profound yearning,
A yearning to be cherished, not reviled,
To be esteemed, not deemed average,
To experience something, not nothing.

Gradually, it evolved beyond that,
Becoming my sole wellspring of joy,
Aware of the inherent imbalance,
Yet, akin to all my remorseful attachments,
I found myself unable to let go.

The concept of letting go eluded me,
A foreign notion, seemingly distant,
Yet, akin to the frigid days of February,
I understood it would conclude someday,
Nonetheless, I persisted,
Holding on tenaciously.

As the days stretched out,
Snow gave way to melting streams,
Blooms emerged from their wintry cocoon,
And akin to the scorching heat of summer,
My affection blazed brighter than stars.

Picture winning a grand lottery,
That's how it felt,
A sensation of prevailing in life,
The notion of letting go never occurred,
It seemed unnecessary.

Then came September,
A month I abhor with fervor,
When everything crumbled beneath,
Love waned,
Evaporating like recollections of better days,
And the embers of letting go flickered anew.

Fear settled in,
Reluctant to relinquish,
I convinced myself it would mend,
For I acknowledged,
I couldn't let go.

Etched clearly in my consciousness,
That's the date it unfolded,
The day I dreaded,
The day I was compelled to let go.

Anticipated as it was,
Those phrases,
"This isn't healthy,"
"It's irreparable,"
"I'm sorry,"
Tore me asunder.

Here I am,
Penning this poem,
Still in pain,
Still shattered,
Rife with remorse.

Such is life,
A journey void of utopian conclusions,
A cycle that persists,
Until the day we depart,
Until the day we dissolve,
Until the day we finally let go."
Dec 2023 · 755
Within The Storm
Hunter Dec 2023
The emotions surge within my consciousness,
Akin to a category 5 hurricane,
Annihilating any semblance of goodness in its wake.

The storm's winds blur my vision,
As if only I exist in this moment with time,
Hurling me through life without forewarning,
While the inner demons seize command.

The eye of the storm draws near,
And resistance becomes futile,
My strength depleted,
The demons gaining ground.

Admitting defeat is a bitter pill,
Yet, no alternative remains,
But to surrender to the tempest,
And relinquish myself.

The inevitable moment looms,
When the battle must cease,
As I'm engulfed by the torrential downpour,
Defeated by the internal tumult.

— The End —