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 Jul 2018 JustJune
 Jul 2018 JustJune
Social Anxiety
[so-shull ang-zahy-i-tee]
1. A condition that unexpectedly turns the most colorful canvases gray.
A snippet of a rant I once wrote about social anxiety.
 Jul 2018 JustJune
Jayantee Khare
¿ ¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿
¿.  ¿  ¿.  ¿
¿  ¿  ¿
a cup of poetic tea
now becomes ready
when emotions simmer
       on a flame dimmer  @
           with subtle swirls       @
            twirls and whirls         @
           added with words         @
          the aroma spreads        @
      strained out the waste  @
the perfect taste
and here it's ready
the poetry ...the tea!
Tried the shape poetry
 Jul 2018 JustJune
georgia sophie
the hunger i feel
the emptiness inside me
befriends my broken heart
 Jul 2018 JustJune
I like CANDY. Sweet, tasty, convenient. Sometimes I'll just get in my car at a noticed whim and drive. Destination CANDY!!

I can't say enough about CANDY.

But still probably not good for you, can get expensive for a guy like me (who throws nickels around like they're man hole covers).  

I like to ****, I like to lick, it's all good with CANDY.
CANDY is the name of a stripper down at the local slap and tickle.

You should of seen this coming!
 Jul 2018 JustJune
Maintenance man she's needing
     From her high-rise condo perch
          With its view of the lake.

I stood still as she's feeding
      insults to besmirch
          me without a break

"I shouldn't be pleading
     do you know what I'm worth
          for heaven sake"

Even in the Garden of Eden
    a paradise on earth
         lived the snake.
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