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5.6k · Sep 2014
Generation of Sayers
Jenna Sep 2014
It's one thing to say, it's another to do. We have become a generation of sayers forgetting that words mean little without action.
2.2k · Jan 2015
Jenna Jan 2015
A mind so open it will never choose
For fear of what it has to lose
1.5k · Sep 2014
Jenna Sep 2014
The thoughts pile up
Pushing hard against my lips
Trying to find a way to make sense
1.1k · Sep 2014
Jenna Sep 2014
I have seen people change
Some for the better some for the worse
I have felt myself getting older, forming my own opinions
I have watched as friendships fade, some being my own

I have learned to try new things
I have stepped out of my comfort zone
Finding I like it better in there
I have laughed and cried not knowing why

I am finding things about myself I didn't even know
I have learned not to let my feelings show
I have been down and I have been up, finding that up is the better option
I have learned to worry less and smile more, I'm far too young to care

When I feel as if nothing could go right
I smile and thank God for another day
I have found music can make me feel better
And people can change you and shape you

I have had new people introduced into my life
Finding that there is always a story behind the eyes
I have had people share with me the secrets they try to hide
Leaving me speechless with a sad smile not knowing why

I felt pure and blissful joy dancing to my favorite music
I have found that the only answer is God
But that it's easier said than done
And that when you think you can handle it on your own, you need Him

Put your worries in his hands and you will find peace
To love yourself as much as God loves you
Because there is nothing He wants more
Take time, be free, be happy, just simply be
781 · Sep 2014
Lovely Pain
Jenna Sep 2014
Stuck and going no where fast
Can't seem to erase it from my past
Why can't I just disappear
I can't escape from here
And this I my biggest fear

Don't want to get worse don't want to get better
It's these things that just don't make sense to me
Drowning in this pain I can't breathe
Save me from the hatred inside of me
Being held against my will.. Or perhaps this is how I want to be

I can't move forward and I can't move back
Doesn't make me happy doesn't make me sad
Am I my own worst enemy?
Am I the cause of this pain I see?
Do I really want to break free?
In my comfort zone, this is my home
Wrote this as a (unfinished) song a year or two ago.. Thing have changed so much yet not at all
743 · Nov 2014
Jenna Nov 2014
Dreams take me away
At night and day  
Drive my mind to forget
All that I regret
Free from strain
Free from my brain
Dreams take my away  
But don't make me stay
643 · Oct 2014
Change One Thing
Jenna Oct 2014
"If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?"
You limit me to one but there are many
Not knowing whether to choose my body or my mind
Or maybe it's the past I can't seem to leave behind
To ask me to change only one thing is unfair
Perhaps I'd change my tendency to compare
Or maybe not
Maybe I shouldn't give it a second thought
But the urge to be perfect is just too strong
It's been present in my mind for far too  long
So the question remains relevant yet it never gets easier
For one thing is not enough please allow me just a few more
533 · Jan 2015
Unacceptable and Loved
Jenna Jan 2015
Unaccepted by all yet loved by many
Often overlooked and forgotten
But needed and used
Company serves those not strong
Please stay, it won't take long
Falls down but still refused
Deep down feeling rotten
Real friends? I don't see any
515 · Oct 2014
Giving In
Jenna Oct 2014
Why taunt me when I'm happy
Why remind me when I forget
Why touch me when I feel content
Why torture me when I'm strong
Why should I even try to hide from you torturous grip
Holding me against my will and suffocating me with my thoughts
Why even run
Take me to the depths of despair
453 · Nov 2014
Jenna Nov 2014
I feel every inch of imperfection
My mind constant
I need correction
Everything falls in an instant
In complete delusion
I laugh at my mind
In utter confusion
Who knows what I'll find
When I open that journal
The demonic words
Make me nocturnal
409 · Oct 2014
Crave the Bad
Jenna Oct 2014
So much time has passed yet the memories seem to last forever
Flashes of what was comes pounding at my door begging me to come back
Part of me craving, longing to return to what killed me
The strength of my mind falters with every passing glance
I can't help but think maybe I'll be happy If I give into cruel temptation
To be strong is a definition that gets mixed up in my head
Never knowing if I can ever escape the grips of illness
Do I give in and give up or do I close my eyes and walk away
388 · Mar 2015
In Your Mind
Jenna Mar 2015
Climb a ladder into your head
See what's behing closed blinds
Understand everything you say
I wonder what I might find

I wanna walk through your front door
To rest my head on your soft pillow
And see the vibrant colors of you dreams
And possibly find out what it all means

I'll take your place at the dinner table
I wonder what you taste
I can discover if that mind is stable
I wouldn't have much time to waste

Hold your pencil, cumple your paper
Tap your foot, dart your eyes
Read books seen through your mind
What makes you smile, what makes you cry

To live, to breathe, to know your life
Just to understand it through your eyes
To be you for a while
I wonder what I'd find
384 · Jan 2015
Secret Stare
Jenna Jan 2015
A boy trapped by circumstances
Smirks at me with not only his lips
His eyes gleam confusion and vulnerability
And His heart aches for comfort and stability
There's mystery behind his words and sadness in his eyes
But perhaps his struggles will make him more than just wise
Words can't heal the wounds that the past has inflicted
Can't ease his pain, I feel helpless and constricted
358 · Nov 2014
Roles Reversed
Jenna Nov 2014
There's something about seeing the strong break that breaks you
So odd you don't know what to do
No words can sooth their heart
For they don't show every part
Their eyes scream "I'm fighting"
But it's gone fast as lighting  
So don't let it take you
It's your time to be strong too
340 · Sep 2014
Shallow Me
Jenna Sep 2014
Much of our unhappiness comes about when comparing ourselves with someone else
I walk the halls my eyes darting left to right
Accessing what I wish I could have.
I know I am not alone, the urge to be perfect consumes everyone's minds
Nearly drowning ourselves with a false notion that we should be better than our peers
Our views are distorted and expectations so high they are unattainable.
You look at the person next to you and instantly insecurities fill the empty spaces in your mind
But do you ever stop to think they may be thinking the same thing?
Wish you could be like her? Tall, outgoing, and thin like her? So focused on her you lose yourself.
Wish you could be like him? Strong, athletic, and good-looking like him? Who says you aren't good enough?
Wanting so fiercely so intensely to find perfection we often lose our soul
So busy ignoring God's gifts that we fail to even recognize any of his blessings
Living in a world that’s not quite up to par, we compare more than just
We compare the days and the weeks wishing they could just be a little bit
We compare other families to our own wanting so badly to be “like them"
From our bodies to our ability to make people laugh, is there anything
that will be good enough for ourselves?
When you live in a world filled with constant comparison it can swallow your joy and steal your happiness
Let confidence take you by the hand and lead you to peace
Let it go
We are letting time slip through our fingers.
So focused on not being good enough, we end up just going through the motions
Let the feeling of now pump through your veins
Immerse yourself in the present
Take pride in the talents God has given you and use them to help others
This world isn't about you and your looks it is about the happiness you have in your heart
You will not be remembered by your physical attributes because they fade away with the hands of time
Your compassion, your love, and your journey and the lives that you touched along the way. THESE are the moments you will be remembered by.
At the moment you stop comparing yourself to others is the moment that you are free because the person sitting next to you is doing the exact same thing.                                  
You are not alone.
337 · Jan 2015
Jenna Jan 2015
Sink into the sheets so you won't see
Brick after brick lay them on me
Hands hide my face
But I might loose the race
Chains bind me to stay
Don't see me this way
Arms ripped side to side
Escape. At least I tried
The cycle keeps turning
My stomach keeps churning
Life doesn't wait for the weak
Time passes before you can speak
Leave everything you know
Breathe and let go
239 · Nov 2014
Jenna Nov 2014
I lost myself Somewhere between the mirror and my tears
I gotta find myself, let go of all my fears
Oh the monsters under my bed are asking my to play
But I've got to walk away
Don't ask me to stay
Lyrics I wrote but never finished

— The End —