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  Sep 2020 Jen
Marsha Singh
A poem falls short; I'd like, instead
to draw a single line from me to you
and watch it curl into a word
so beautiful it's still unsaid –
or press paper to the window pane
so that the day might saturate
a note that brightly warms your hands,
spills birdsong from imagined trees
and buzzes like fat bumblebees,
but I am bound by language, love; I can't.
  Sep 2020 Jen
Dr Peter Lim
How come
   the present does seem
   remote and the long
   past as though recent?
   yet looking at the prism
   of time, the future
   appears to have happened
   in conjecture and imagination

   not three
  but a single person
  living in three dimensions
  what counts above all
  is individual freedom
  assured so seldom--
  too many indeed
  are trapped in self-prison

  to make sense
of this perpetual conundrum
a long net of life
I'll hurl to harness
the divisive
and have it transformed
into a single collective
I'll know sans doubt then
I've arrived at the wholesome.
Jen Sep 2020
Take it now
And fold it over
Toss it in the water
This is healing
Growing in an
Ever expanding
If you look out
To the ocean
What do you see?
Maybe you
Can go there
Once more
Finally (Feel free)
The moment
Your toes touched
The sand on the shore
Maybe you
Can heal
Some more
Folding over
In emotion
Left it there
For a little while
It's ever expanding
I remember
That time...
I can reach
And touch it
Once more
  Sep 2020 Jen
Sarita Aditya Verma
The lake shimmers in golden velveteen

A gift from the sun, at sundown

The palm trees lined up in rows

The birds flew into the branches

For the gala evening show

  Sep 2020 Jen
I’ve never understood the phrase
Your kindness is your weakness.
If it’s weak being kind in a world
That is so often cruel,
Then I will happily be
The exception to the rule.
  Sep 2020 Jen
Zoe Mae
Metal, blood, and oil
plunged into the sea
Only at the hands of men
could this be
Beautiful things aren't here
for us to enjoy
Nor are they ours
to freely destroy
Yet to burn the world down
seems mankind's fate
Because of our love of money
and our nature to hate
Yes, we'll torch this innocent Earth to the ground
Till it's just another lifeless rock spinning around
And space won't remember us
neither will time
Our entire existence
an unspeakable crime
We don't deserve this place
and she doesn't deserve us
Our metal, blood, and oil
will turn her to dust
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