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It was a crisp winters day
In the middle of the season
The sun was bright blue with a dotting of a few white clouds

There was a cold wind whipping through the trees
It was bitter to the skin
Branches were bending to it as if they were dancing
Wind chimes could be heard in the distance

The snow was blowing around shifting location creating white dunes like cotton candy

The fireplace was burning with a fresh log creating a hypnotic warmth in the room
The wood gave off a pleasant scent as it burned
It was a good day to be inside
 Nov 2023 RandleFunk
 Nov 2023 RandleFunk
I look back at my poetry
The ones about sunshine
And fresh breezes
To remind myself
That at some point
I was truly happy
 Oct 2023 RandleFunk
JA Perkins
Genuine like a child
Candid like an open book
Exotic like The Wild
Reassuring like a second look
My baby
 Oct 2023 RandleFunk
I went out to find
Some value in me,
So I sold what I had
For little a fee.

My eyes for a penny
I sold to some fools,
They're blind and useless,
Mistook for jewels.

My lips for a nickel
To the sweetest sin,
So they'll know the love
That has never been.

My ears for a dime
I sold to a lover.
To hear sweet nothings,
And silence uncover.

My hands for a quarter
I sold to a ghost,
So that she might feel
What I've wanted the most.

Finally my bones for a dollar
I sold to the earth,
But as for my soul-
There was found no worth.
The sun is sinking like a ship
Into an ocean blue abyss,
While the moon emerges slowly
Bringing sweet, nocturnal bliss

When the last rays grip horizons edge
Reds and purples will scar the skies
And the moon can only live
When the sunlight finally dies
Life is not about money or material things
It's about love and the joy it brings
I live by this mantra
Life is no charming fairytale
Even on easiest days
Most blessed person you know
Has demons to keep at bay
There's no such thing as perfect
Beauty eventually will all decay
The only hope we have is to hang on
Find happiness within the disarray
And there is no such thing as happily ever after
I still pine
       for what I’ve lost
               the promise and

I still search my memory
                for hidden fragments
                                 of that treasure.

     Time has covered
                some of them in
                            shadows of nostalgia.

     But the flaming pain
                        still brightly burns and
                                      tears will not extinguish it.
Sometimes I feel like a broken record.  Healing much too slowly.
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