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There's tons of gorgeous girls
And man they need to stop being so harsh on themselves
Too many men would **** and pillage to be with them
A little exaggeration
But you get the implication
I only have seen one woman
So vivaciously
For an elongated period of time
In my life so far
My heart has no soot or tar
Just my thoughts
But when i see her
They vanish quicker than Usain Bolt
Her presence makes me jolt
She's the hottest woman i have ever seen
And i mean that in the most respectful way possible
My heart has never felt warmer
But my insecurities take me over
I used to be an Argentina that's now an Antarctica
Am i good enough to be with her?
I need to conduct some studies
But i have no money
So I'm kind of in a hard place
She's a wall i can't get over
And secretly i don't want to.
Another love poem, what's new? lol
The paint brush runs across your bare skin
You watch me paint with all different colors - blues, blacks, greens, yellows, reds - vibrant, yet calm

Your eyes widen as the canvas on your back blossoms
Blossoms with flowers and faces and color

As the paint brush runs across your delicate skin, we lay entangled in the linen sheets.

We lay intertwined in all the vivacious colors
You told me to paint over all the scars on your skin, to create something beautiful from the broken pieces

So I painted a beautiful canvas - I created *art
My head is a warzone in itself.
Sometimes there's no victors.
Sometimes there is.
I hate to convince myself that i must confide
A amoeba that's restricting me so i can abide
There's no true purpose in where i hide
And taking unnecessary sides
I just want something tasty on my side
Nothing too dazzling
But that's exactly how i describe myself
And i want to run it away
Not so it can come back another day
I tend to be vociferous
And it irritates me
Why can i have a mind that entices the thought and not berate it?
I feel disjointed, jaded
Far from elated
Somehow my reinforcements become instant vaporization
Nothing adds up to a stimulation
What was i put here for?
To quarrel, to entrench myself with misery?
I need something to distract
Keep me in humble tact
As a bee
But i don't want to sting
Or the frivolous bling
Why can't i figure it out?
Nobody can for me
As easy as that pleases the ear
I must adhere
To my own belligerent madness
And find some sanity in it
It's a unembellishing feeling.
You were there
from day one  
You are my father
I am your son

First taught me to walk.
Then taught me to run
You are my father
I am your son

Fished with me
in the hot summer sun
You are my father
I am your son

Gladly accepted
each girls heart I won
You are my father
I am your son

Taught me to drive
that stick it was fun
You are my father
I am your son

Saw me off to the army
my adult life begun
You are my father
I am your son

Now I am married
perhaps a grandson
You are my father
I am your son

The angels came calling
your time here is done
You are my father
I am your son

I really miss you
this grief weighs a ton
You are my father
I am your son

You'll always be my father
now I've become one
I am the father
I have a son
My mouth is wrapped in razor wire. The less said the better. Whole worlds are caught between my teeth. My eyes are somewhere between moons, and my nostrils breathe the mist of demons. My earlobes have the jewelry of vast continents. And my throat is strangled with amethyst tears. My hair wraps your shoulders. My pearls touch your belly. And my hands? They flutter like leaves in the wind to catch galaxies. I long to say the three words. But deserts live on my tongue.

Yet it takes only a moment to say goodbye.

(C) 3/7/2016
This is a new style for me. Let me know what you think.

I actually do have a problem with my mouth. A tooth broke off, and it grates against my tongue. Hence the poem.
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