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  Mar 2016 Echoes Of A Mind
Here I sit alone and lonely
But I'd rather be by far
Most folks I'd like to push off a cliff
Inside a burning car
To ahead and judge me
But do it from over there
Because I'm half past give a ****
And frankly I dont care
You can think I'm crazy
I'm probly mostly insane
It comes from living the life I've lived
Filled with heartbreak, sorrow, and pain
My mother always told me
Don't play with fire you'll get burned
But I guess I was so stupid
It took years of scars to learn
Det er forkert at holde om dig
Og uacceptabelt at holde af dig
Det er dumt være betaget af dig
Men svært ikke at kigge på dig
is wat u r not
wat i wish u were
what I want to be
What you should be
Conquer it
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
May I ask,
If I even dare to,
Is it okay
If I touch you?...

No, No...
What are you
I didn't mean it
Like that...

I just want
To stroke your cheek,
Pat your back
Or something
Like that...

It's really okay?
Well then...
I won't
Hold back...

I said
As I let my fingers
Run through your hair's soft
Just like a newborn's...

I stroked your cheek
While looking
Into your eyes
And suddenly I
Found myself blushing...

Why was it
That I wanted
To touch you?
And why do I always smile
When I'm near you?...

The truth hit me
Like a lightning bolt
Finally after years
I discovered
That I was
In love...

I'm still looking
Into your eyes
And I feel that I
Had a raise
In my body temperature...

Longing to touch you
This time
In a not so decent way
I looked once more
Into your eyes
And then I said...

Can I touch you?...
And if possible
Can you touch me

And is it okay
If I tell you
That I
Love you...?

Can we whisper
Soft words
To each other
And never let go
Of each others hands?...

Can we become
Old together?...
Just like the relationship
You have
With your minivan?...

But right now
Let's not speak
About the future
Let's just focus
On the here and now
And just enjoy
Each other....

'Cause all
That I want to do
Right now
Is to touch you
And feel your touch
On me too...

So I'll ask you
Once more
Is it okay
If I touch you?...
Wanting to show your affection for the person you love/like through actions, but you're not sure if they're okay with it....Or if they even feel as you do...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
The lock on my heart
Have begun to rust
It's not looking healthy
But open it
I can not...

It have been there for ages
Since I was small
And nothing can be done
To make it disappear
It makes sure that nobody
Can take my heart away...

The lock keeps me
From falling in love
And even though
That I've gotten old
I still want
To keep it on...

It protects me
From getting hurt
And neither have I ever
A heartbreak...

So I'm living
A life out love
But you know what
I think that's an affordable price
Since you will never
See me cry...

The lock on my heart
Once had a key
But it got lost
And ended up
Somewhere far away...

The lock on my heart
Is not a burden
But sometimes I see couples
And wonder 'bout
What they are feeling
When they are together...

The lost key
Will never be found
The rusty lock will **** me
Before anyone will manage
To open up
The lock on my heart...
There's nothing as a heart made out of just that people have locked their hearts away and sometimes that lock can't be opened again...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Jeg elsker dig
Selv efter alt hvad der er sket
Så vil følelsen ikke forsvinde
Og det er lige meget hvad jeg gør...

Jeg har forsøgt at hade dig,
Men dette får mig kun til at græde.
Jeg har svinet dig til,
Men det sårer mig kun i sidste ende
Jeg har forsøgt at glemme dig,
Men alt omkring mig,
Minder mig om dig.
Kaffe kan jeg ikke drikke,
For selv det sætter minder i gang.
Jeg har mistet lysten
Til at gå i skole
Fordi jeg kan risikerer
At se dig...

Gad vide om hypnose vil kunne hjælpe,
Så jeg kan glemme,
Alle de minder,
Der involvere dig.
For lige meget hvad jeg prøver,
Så elsker jeg stadigvæk dig...
Skrev dette digt for 3 uger siden...
Er begyndt at drikke kaffe igen i dag...

Et skridt ad gangen bevæger jeg mig væk fra dig, og for hvert skridt finder jeg mig selv igen...
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