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 May 2020 hannah delight
Just imagine,
a world where all the hate
was replaced with love,
where absolute empathy
was inherent in all of us
where we comforted
the lost,
the broken,
the lonely,
where we realized
the universal connections.
Just imagine.
If we all shared pain...
Moonlight Goddess And Queen

Oh. Look at you,
You are the true goddess of the sea,
You are loved by many;
Your beauty everyone craves,
Your love is a hunger and a need,
You are cousin to set the slaves free,
You swim your spirit into the hearts
You shine light from your eyes
To another side; from another kind,
Your body is pure and white
You dance around like a candle flame,
You make other women look a shame,
But your heart has love for all;
You walk on water in many dreams,
Your words cook with a sting,
Your blood is like silk,
Every word you say
is written in blood stain ink;
everything you do is for the peace
for true love of mankind;
everything is for the light that stands
in Gods eyes;
Oh, Goddess of the sea,
Dark Angel made you his queen,
But that will never change a thing,
Every beautiful rose that blooms is sweet,
It will always be a part of you, in everything you do,
Your eyes are like the moon;
it always changes in late June;
your eyes always look like you are looking
in the reflection of water crystal water,
the water starts to wave and rise deep into the night
like it is saying goodbye;
when you talk its always sweet,
but if you must be mean you bring rain,
the earth is the seed of love;
the sea is the beauty of a true goddess,
so, the sea is named after you;
Moonlight, of all seas in every dream,
You know the deepest essence of true love,
The water is your treasure of dreams,
Moonlight, you are a goddess and a queen,
Even in darken dreams.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2017
The Queen of Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
If I had enough wits to fly,
I'd like to escape the sky,
I'd leave in mid-June,
wave bye to the moon
whilst riding a huge firefly.
 Mar 2017 hannah delight
Sometimes I just need a break
A break from this crazy life
Wanting to go to somewhere peaceful
With nature all around
Instead of flashy city lights.
Is that too much to ask for?
With all that’s going on,
Each day gets overwhelming and frustrating.
Told to do things I'm not interested in
Yet I still do it for them.
Wherever I go,
All eyes are on me.
Always expected to do my best
Even when sometimes I can’t.
I always ask for forgiveness
And think I’m never good enough.
With all that’s going on,
All I need is just a break.
A break from this crazy life

— The End —