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 Apr 2022 FS Antemesaris
All the praises
    Sweet sugary words
                            need to be ignored
To unearth the truth
 Apr 2022 FS Antemesaris
I did not believe,
standing on the bank of a river
which was wide and swift,
that I would cross
that bridge plaited from thin,
fragile reeds fastened with bast.
I walked delicately,
as a butterfly
and heavily
as an elephant,
I walked surely
as a dancer
and wavered like a blind man.
I did not believe that I would cross that bridge,
and now that I am standing
on the other side,
I do not believe I crossed it.
Her ribs crackled, in the skeleton night.
And I remember my mouth on hers,
where atomic fish hooks attached our lips.
Where there was nothing like kissing
like our God wasn't dead.

She was accused of killing a taxi driver
in the Brazilian underbelly.
Smoking a cigarette, she dropped it on the ground,
spat on it, and crushed it with her bare foot,
saying she fell in love with the way
his sleep-drenched body lay.

And I told her to stay home.
And I told her that they'd find her.
But she didn't stay home.
And they did find her.

Chasing her through the Babylon brush,
insults were thrown and so were balloons of gasoline.
Each pink, yellow, and green vessel floated in the air, as an internal opera heightened.
And sour splashes spread across her body,
as she fled from the vigilante mob.

The children danced along the panoramic horizon she ran beside,
laughing, pointing, singing.
The slumbering sorrow of the situation became evident,
and she started to feel the calm of fleeting life.

Her dreams aborted and her ideals became fallacies,
and with the sound of fuzzy motors in the background, her heart leapt and her feet slipped.

Rope ate into her, wrapping her like the orphaned recklessness of each set of eyes that painted her.
She squirmed amongst the cheers.
She cried with every thrown beer and balloon.
The empty-eyed males gang ***** her.
The women covered the children's eyes,
and the children tried to move their mothers' hands.

And I pushed my way through the crowd.
And I saw her smothered in blood, beer, and gasoline.
I wanted to halt the hurricane that destroyed morality.
But I am a coward.
Frozen by my fear, I, too, am a murderer.
And a murderer I'll always be,
for the burning of all that was good.

Sudden flames soared towards the sky.
Laughter escaped as molotov cocktails exploded onto her body.
Her head turned towards the crowd,
as flames scampered across her face.
I saw in her, what I never saw before,
which was the human race.
sobriety would not exist
or for poor
not one would be rich,
if mercy was alone would we
ever be? Merciful.

If egotism disappeared ,
would one notice humility?
If all was one, four legged
creatures gone, or slithering creatures walked,
would any comparison be feasible?

If hurt and despair were sunken down in oceans or buried deeper still
under land,
If above the burial fields we walked forever,
would life be comparable?

If but for opposites, right without wrongs,
men without women,
time even drinking a beer thinking,
would be non-existent.
///  • |


The walk across the midnight bridge in the storm

The smell of her damp hair

The fullness of her human-ness
as she touched my arm

Beneath those compassionate eyes

Sweeping across the city and the world




Her words!

always in my mind !

The way she 'd stop and play with every lonely child

Or  talk to anyone who seemed ill- at- ease

She is part of my soul
My heart

My mind


Seeing the world thru her eyes

I now see the world thru everyone's eyes !



I could say she is my wife

I could say I haven't seen her in a while

I could say I haven't seen her in a long time


Love being what love is
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang
or a whimper

but with kids who grow up taught to aspire to greatness
are expected to be fulfilled by
a house
a spouse
a couple of rugrats
a 9-5 existence
a war we didn't ask to fight
a national debt our great-grandchildren will be paying off
a government that didn't listen the first time
                                                        or second
                                                        or third?

this is the way the world ends
with the American Dream
I'm scared of being the worst.
Because my best words
won't be enough
to save you from my  curse.
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