Remember when your heart was so black? Figuratively I suppose. You were emotionally invincible. But she comes along and breaks the wall. Now you're emotions are on your shoulder. But it's not enough. You're left with these emotions you've never dealt with before What do I do? I wish my heart was black again. Figuratively.
A lthough it didn't last long, S urely I'll never forget you. H ow could I? Those L ong FaceTimes at 4am, E very smile, laugh, goofy face. No Y ou're too memorable. Good bye.
I love And I hate I hate compliments I love them from you I hate advice But I love it from you I hate loving others But I love loving you I hate being loved I wish you'd love me.
R emember when we were in love? E ven just a little? B ecause I'll never forget. E specially the bad moments. C ause the worst moments with you, C hanged me for the better. So I'll A lways thank you for that year point 5
Isn't it a tragedy? I used to lay in bed at night. Thinking about who'd miss me. Only my mom came to mind. It was always enough to stop me. But I came to resent her for it. That's when I realized. Life isn't fair. Isn't it a tragedy?