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 May 2020 DeVaughn Station
You mouth
I love you
Against my lips
Because you’re too shy
To look me in the eye
And proclaim your feelings
Scared of the emotion
Which is all too foreign
To the likes of someone like you
But that’s where you’re wrong
Because if you just lifted your face from mine
You would see the genuine emotion in my eyes
As I tell you that you are worth loving
As I tell you that you are capable of receiving love
As I tell you that you are loved
Because the fear of rejection
Is the result of chronic insecurity
To love oneself
As they are
is it just me
or does
everything at night
seem more intensive?

the music
hits your feelings
way harder

the thoughts
scream louder
in your head

the world
is almost
completely silent

the world
seems just so
much purer
also check out my other poems!  :)
She's just so out my league.
So many guys want her-
Who’d consider any other?
Seems no one can have her.
She’s just so sunny sweet,
No other girl can compete.
All my friends and I must concede-
She’s out of my league.

She’s seems out of my league.
But is she out of my reach?
Those guys give her the eye—
Discouraged, won’t even try--
Feel I don't even qualify.
She always walks alone.
Maybe I could walk her home.
If I can see past her mystique
She’ll not be out of my league

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained”,
I told myself again and again.
I could strut beside her.
I should smile and talk to her;
Always be kind to her.
Gotta step up, swing for the fence-
Exercise some confidence.
Maybe I’ll slink away in shame;
Or I might set her heart aflame.

She's just out of my league,
But there's no mistake on trying
So this is me doing the impossible, applying,
Because after I confess we might flying
And I must avoid this pain and crying
And I'll deliver my own intrigue
Just to be on her league
Because she's just out of my league.
I found my girl best friend are so out of my league and maybe I can confess to her.
I don't want to live an inevitable life
Grazing my hand along the borders
Inside the box of my comfort zone
Under perceived superior orders

I was given a voice with wings to fly
Yet, I hover underneath a lid
Of expectation and norms
I used to believe in such a myth

I'm not good enough and never will be
I became susceptible to that truth
But it was only a different opinion
From someone who wasn't my muse

Creative artistic expression
Sparks the fire behind my eyes
A flame that burns at the core of me
With those who try to dim my light

They try to put me out with lies
Until I become ashes and doubts
Be practical and realistic, they say
I asked, is being myself not allowed?

I let those voices get to me
Residing in my heart's cracks
They were the first to break me
From spewing unwanted facts

What is fact and what is fictional?
As though you decide my fate
My dreams only happen inside me
And stayed there as I grabbed the bait

I should want that mundane future
A tried and true pre-written path
In order to support the ones I love
I play a character so miscast

Because to live that kind of life
I neglect what I want the most
To endlessly create, knowing I'm free
Without the limits I grew up to know
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