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 Feb 2016 DaRk IcE
the ****** to wrinkles
was light fast
from peach fuzz to long hair and bell bottoms
to disco slow  so painful from
Air Force discipline to self employed
along the way unemployed a lot
from the Beatles and Stones
hell I'll never outgrow them.
 Feb 2016 DaRk IcE
from the eaves
into warm puddles by my feet
always falling are meanings
 Feb 2016 DaRk IcE
it is much more than a mystery or drama
how we seem to always meet between dawn and noon
here on the white paper plains

it is more than my dreams and yours how you look
so much like Godiva to me
to you I
may be Rasputin

for I fairly wonder how you look clothed
and not giving your deepest thoughts
to anyone meandering by.

I must seem like the Hunchback in a
cathedral to you. Brash hunched words
loud and medieval.

Or a King with no castle, nor clothes.
No diamonds to hang on your pretty head.
No knight to protect you.

But, we still meet here, by fate or design,
and so in chance not to break the spell,
and tomorrow you might not be here,

I will just go on.
 Feb 2016 DaRk IcE
Nick Feetchi
How would you love me,
Would you be honest and true,
Or will you get bored without things to do,

How would you love me after the ***,
Would the calls slow down and ignore my text,
I've been there before when the battery has died,
Just to find out my lover has lied,

How would you love me,
Are you good with unpacking,
Past hurt and pain we carry as baggage,

A word of advice as I keep it straight,
Love will fail if we can't communicate.

How would you love me?
 Feb 2016 DaRk IcE
Nick Feetchi
The love of a poet in love with a pen,
About love, heartache, mystery or sin,

A chosen few who can tell the tale,
That will inspire, unite, or cast a spell,

Then there are the few  who do not agree,
With the style, format or cant even see,

The love of a poet in love with the pen,
Who shares the tale about something within,

Judge not about what is missunderstood,
expression through poetry is simply good.

I too am a poet in love with my pen,
I hope you enjoy- what I share from within.
 Feb 2016 DaRk IcE
Nick Feetchi
A woman doesn't want to be an adventure,
She wants to be caught up into something more preponderant than herself.*

-Nick Feetchi
 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
Arlo Disarray
looking for
a purpose,
and coming up short
of worthy answers
 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
I have walked a thousand deserts. I have swam so many lakes. I have died in countless fires on a reel of ever blurring takes.

I have woken from a thousand dreams. And cried so many tears. I have kept on searching for my love throughout a million grief filled years.

I have been told that Truth sets free. But for it I have seen many good folk hung. And oft have sighed at a new war, that same old butcherer of the young.

Yet seldom have I been at peace. And only once did I give my heart away. For an oath, sworn in my troubled start, has caused the ghost of Hope to stay.
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