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 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
Bianca Reyes
Heaven is around her
If she only knew just how beautiful she was
Maybe she would've never felt like a blur
If she only knew just how sorry I was
Maybe then she would live again
Instead I wallow in all things we could've been
I can't live like this
Written and shared via Hello Poetry on January 17, 2016  Copywrite under Bianca Reyes.
my perception wavers
my senses filled with wraiths

over the windowsill
i see you walking
as the sound
of church bells trip
down the hills
falling at your feet

unaware you step over them
on your way to your glass
house filled with orchids
you've heard nothing

I smell roses rotting under
my window and there's
a placenta over the moon

it stretches it's mouth
to cry its soft mewling infant's tears
but the garden is dead
and nothing
but nothing

(C) 1/18/2016
You take credit for my poem
You've stolen my emotions,
my heart,my hurt and my notions
But you deny yourself the opportunity
Of being you for with my poems
It's me,whether it's your name
Underneath or above
Write your own, write something you deserve
For plagiarism is climbing a mountain from above
Try the slopes, hold to your hopes
Listen to that voice inside
One day you might become a poet
I wasn't one either
But stealing someone else's didn't get me here.
 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Excuse the tenseness in me,
Your just not the one that understands,
That I could be a better man than
He ever was,
Appalled at your love,  it's a drug,
And I'm ready for it,
Have to get along with the man from above,
So that he could bless us,
For this engagement,
I'm so lucky,  I'm so lucky baby,
To stare into a pair of eyes like yours,
I'm happy that I could get the chance to explore what ever wonders you have,
Watching the doves cry with these situations,
Writing love notes to you was my occupation,
All the times of being laughed at and misused,
Sometimes I wish I had a fully automatic gun that I could use,
But to you,
I was just someone you loved,  nothing more,
No telling what would happen if I walked out of this door,
No spoilers,
No happiness,
No fun,
No clarity,
I'm done.
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