F I’m a cynic combined with a romantic and I’m going to pour the emotions from my experiences and thoughts into my pieces. My topics vary, it’s sort of what I think when I think it but lots of self introspection. 130 followers / 9.5k words
Before I realized it I began writing for the readers Not completely But Through little things I avoided long Too much rambling Uninteresting I subconsciously Diverged towards Topics I believed would catch my readers attention Still involving my emotions Yet With bias Which begs the question Who am I writing for Truly?
It’s a coming Not yet arrived Seemingly soon Yet out of reach Only there for the journey Chasing after an untouchable destination Which begs the question Are you there for the journey or The destination?
A thousand worries swarm my mind in an instant A thousand warnings ring the alarm A thousand tingles race up my spine My stomach knots my face burns My mind unsuccessfully tries to tamp it down I grit my teeth, Close my eyes...
Everything is so new, so much better, so much more interesting. I want to do everything I want to try everything I want to experience everything For the time is now; And I am ready.