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Sep 2021 · 298
The land of Oz
chelle Sep 2021
Look at my soul, what do you see?
A diverse human spirit hiding in me.
Protective barriers and walls I build.
Whilst living behind them, a life unfulfilled.

I'll take time with you for some secrets to share that I can love and hate, and anger and care.
I'm joy and sadness, and calm and remorse,
for I feel the same as other humans, of course.
Yet how much remains hidden you'll never know, for I'll only project what I want to show.

There's war in the world that I truly abhor.
It seems that few can be trusted anymore.
Surrounded by death and poverty and strife,
it's no wonder that I often reflect upon life.
With my values and beliefs badly overturned,
I take some time to explore what I've learned.

I'm alone in this world, yet part of another.
I cherish these bonds that remain unbroken
and those dear words of love that are often spoken.
My family's presence is beyond compare,
and when they're in need, I'll always be there.

I'm truly unique, my thoughts are all mine,
and I own my own feelings most of the time!
From the way that I am, I develop and grow,
exploring my soul so that more I shall know.
So look at my soul, what do you see?
There's a diverse human spirit shining in me.
Thank u for sharing small piece of u with me
Aug 2020 · 165
Hearts whispers
chelle Aug 2020
I understand the whispers
Brought with a heart afar
Carried many miles
Under many stars.

Hearts ears listen closely
Then... there they are
The words u cannot utter
Brought by a heart afar.
Aug 2020 · 175
Only i know
chelle Aug 2020
The only one that knows...
Won't say a freaking word
I know this for a fact
Because it's me for sure

The best kind of secret
Is the one that is never told
The way to keep a secret
Is to never tell

Only me myself and I
Are holding this one tight
At the risk of feeling sadness
A fight im forever fighting
Aug 2020 · 197
Rainy day
chelle Aug 2020
The wind begins
The temperature drops
Brace yourself
Go get the mops

Rain is almost here
I hear it coming close
Tape the window Barr the door
Turn off all electric

Normal.... rain is good
But when ur in a camper
Rain is the nemesis that never dies.
Leaky roof on my camper :/
Aug 2020 · 145
Got a bug
chelle Aug 2020
They've slowly bitten into each and every strand of my being. They've eaten for years.
Stealing my tears. They grow.
Taking time, pleasuring moments..
Tumors they are. Demons.
They attach at birth, and they grow.
They feed, only a vampire street.
Then comes... the empty.. the forgotten.
Make no mistake they **** at will. And everyone knows somewhere inside
They will eat the next generation too.
We must be brave and remove the eye
In order to save the soul.
Jun 2020 · 148
chelle Jun 2020
Sometimes home has no walls
Our beams of wood or stone
Sometimes home is only a heart
That only you have known
Mar 2020 · 129
the mountain
chelle Mar 2020
Going to the mountain
To listen think and pray
Up there I call out loudly
Up there he'll show the way

He'll show the road to take
My direction so far is dark
I'm my own worst enemy
But I beg him for his mark

He'll take me through the thick
Evil cannot stay
His protective hand upon me
Through whatever come what may

You say my name is written
Within the scars you bear
You did this just for me
And died a death that wasn't fair

I accept your sweet salvation
And plans made just for me
I'm coming to the mountain
Hear my urgent plea
Feb 2020 · 121
chelle Feb 2020
I truly believe. I do believe.
I am supposed to be alone.
For so long now
it's just been me
I am my own best friend.
It's things where they go.
It's all in what you know.
Useless information
Total transformation.
Alone I own the right to roam.
Dec 2019 · 121
chelle Dec 2019
Doing things for them
You never did for me
I want to cry out
Let it be oh let it be me
My heart's tears pour
Down broken pieces in the dark
The air hides from my lungs
I can only hear in part
For the groans that take my breath
Leave me alone and without
Holding hands with death
Is what was felt when u ran out.
When it hurts so bad the pain is manifested physically
Nov 2019 · 220
chelle Nov 2019
Im old shes young
shes in im out
My time is almost over now

Im weak she's strong
Shes right im wrong
Wrinkled face gives me away
Nov 2019 · 146
chelle Nov 2019
The fire that stings
And burns throughout
Only brings guilt
And makes my tears shout

Help me help me
Im sinking here
Someone save me
I have only fear

Im afraid to stop
Im afraid to not
Im getting tired
Of this fight that I've fought
Nov 2019 · 394
My love
chelle Nov 2019
Once upon a time
I loved you more than life
the feelings were returned
and you made me your wife
Then you fell away
your eyes being to stray
So I went my way
Now here we are today

I love u more than life
And miss you more than air
Always thinking how it might be
If we were still a pair
Our pepper would feel better
Our son would still be free
We'd prolly have a little doggy
And I would still be me
Nov 2019 · 182
Dem bones dance
chelle Nov 2019
Repetitive screams of demons past
Failed scenarios and self doubt
Being able to see the light and not feel warmth
Reaching for that saving hand that streaches down
Only to watch this now my last chance to live
I fade from life as it disappears into the murky abyss
Knowing this is my last breathe
What is on my mind at this moment?
A sorrowful countenance revels so much regret
I wish... if only... one more chance? Please?

I understand all in that last moment so clearly
As if looking from the outside in
I understand and know
And all that is heard is a loving and strong voice say
"Talitha koum"
Nov 2019 · 287
chelle Nov 2019
Joe Joe...whatcha know?
Certainly nothing of love.
You're much too much too low. 

Joe Joe who do u know
It certainly cannot be me 
For if it was you'd be to slow
To catch a catch like me.
Im too good for you.
Nov 2019 · 136
Please take a shower
chelle Nov 2019
In and out (dirt, that is)
Sick and ewwww
Stink and stick

Nov 2019 · 147
chelle Nov 2019
Outsmart the best
Trick the rest
Out the old feeling bold
Funny if you could see
Nov 2019 · 892
chelle Nov 2019
There is a hole in my arm
Where the fire used to go
I dressed it in a bandage
can't believe I went so low
Nov 2019 · 149
Only a mirage
chelle Nov 2019
This world seems cold and backwards
it cannot see the truth
there is a sort of good
we're taught when we are youth

They say there is goodness
of inside and out
But I've found that to be false
And truth I want to shout

There is a form of love
It's mostly what we know
But never the real thing
Love and Truth just for show

We always seem to do
What we were not intended
Never playing for the right team
Always leaves us undefended

Most are lost
And full of sad
When in the end
We've lost what we started as
Nov 2019 · 258
Head over heels
chelle Nov 2019
I know a guy that smells like kyarn
Like he's been working in ******
knees deep out on a farm

his hair is long and *****
he's unaware of a brush
But he seems to be happy
and I keep looking for him to flush

He eats the little squirrels
He shoots out of the tree in the yard
he says five makes a meal
I say he's a ******

I have to take him seriously
Sometimes it's really hard
his nose is always running
One day it ran too far

I always get a belly laugh
When he tries to confess his love
I just start praying, Mercy
Have mercy from above
Nov 2019 · 675
There's always a Joe
chelle Nov 2019
There's always a joe
Anywhere u go

Just can't get it right
For to save his own life

Pulling us down
Way deep underground

What he says isn't real
Words only YOU feel

Heads up look both ways
The joes never stay
Thanks for the lesson learned buddy... evil is real...its what's in you
Nov 2019 · 722
New found strength
chelle Nov 2019
Mirror mirror on the wall
Whos the strongest of them all
Say it's her
Not me for sure

Beauty bright
With all her might
Quaking the land
She takes her stand

She knows not
Of strength that's lost
Always there
Gain for share

When she sees
She'll go to her knees
Rise and shout
You ALL get out

Much more than known
All this I own
I didn't get it
Head on ive now met it
Nov 2019 · 370
Makers of blue skies
chelle Nov 2019
Olivia Olivia
have you seen Olivia
Olivia the bearded lady
when your skies are gray
She'll make your day
Olivia the bearded lady

Noah Noah
Have you seen Noah
Noah the tattooed gentleman
when your skies are gray
he'll make your day
Noah the tattooed gentleman
Nov 2019 · 336
Magic carpet ride
chelle Nov 2019
Sometimes you come to take me
On your magic carpet ride
In the midst of all the darkness
The still silence in the middle of the night

I never thought until this day
That I'd be blinded by this light
That's your disguise, that's a cover
Get ready, hang on tight

There's never been an evil
Thats deceived me quite so well
Or that claimed the truth
When clearly flying into hell

I've heard it said a time or two
Demons look like light
Maybe that's why you always come
In the secret of the night

At first I thought it beauty
No truth I saw in the dark
But what goes up, must come down
And now I see you're mark.
I believed every lying word. He spoke of beauty and light but it was only ever evil and dark. Distorted perception on both parts.

— The End —