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Tell me when it was
The first time you learned to hate yourself
The first time you tripped over your own fault lines
And started taking caution in every step
When did it happen?
Was it at 10?
When your shaking hands couldn't hold still
And the shame of them drove you into isolation
Maybe it's because others noticed
Or because they did their best to make it clear you were different
I don't think you know
That the rhythm you had and still have
Is unlike the rest
It is crooked and uneven but beautiful nonetheless
You didn't know it then
And accepting unsteadiness is easier said than done

Tell me when it was
The first time you learned to hurt yourself
Could it have been at 13?
When the weight of too much pressure motivated you to lose it
To the point where bones stuck out more than your voice
Loud girl became quiet that year
And then even more so the next
When your changing body didn't morph the way you would have liked it to
Left you shaped uncomfortably
A little too top heavy
The kind that drew unwanted attention
At a time when standing out was the last thing you desired
You turned skin into a battlefield into remnants from too many losses
Wrists became front lines, then hips, then neck until
You became too much destruction to keep the war going
You learned that it is impossible to win in a fight against yourself

Tell me when it was
The first time you learned to forget yourself
Was it at 15?
When the sacrifice of your body wasn't enough
To make a careless boy love you
It was a silly thing to give it all away
When you barely had enough of you for yourself
Your efforts changed after that
Trying too hard turned into not trying at all
Feeling too much turned into feeling nothing at all
You learned to repress and erase
And start over in the morning
You have been heavy from trying to hide away for so long

Tell me when it is
The first time you learn to love yourself
Will finally be after all of the years of disappointment?
Of self-deprecation?
When you realize you deserve more
Than to be the dust swept off to the side
Deserve better than to be an ashed out version of your potential
You were not meant to be wasted
You were not meant to be washed out and pushed down
You were meant to stand tall

The first time you learn to love yourself
Will be when you realize flaw is inevitable
When your skin turns itself different colors
And nothing can be done to change it
You will then learn acceptance

The first time you learn to love yourself
Will be when you stop comparing
When you look in the mirror and see only yourself in the reflection
Nobody else
You were meant to be here
You were meant to embrace it all
This body
This skin
This image
The only one you will ever have
The same one you will have to love
And eventually you will,
You'll learn how to.
Let me scream your name and let it echo into space where it will continue forever and fill the black holes with
your light

Let me lay inside your heart as it pumps my existence into your veins where it will stay to infinity like there is no end to love
no oblivion
Written: February 3. - 2015
kig i spejlet når min mor står der
du vil se mig i hendes reflektion
men ikke genkende det ukendte
far du elsker hende jo til døden
men elsker du overhovedet mig
eller har du konstant lukket øjne
Skrevet: 26. januar - 2015

Open your eyes
look in the mirror when my mother stands before it
you will see me in her reflection
but will not recognize the unknown
father you love her till death
but do you love me at all
or do you always have closet eyes
Læs mine tanker,
stands dem, riv dem ud så jeg kan se, hvad jeg føler.
Klippe små huller,
mønstre der forvandler dem til ferskenblide kærtegn.
Sneen falder hysterisk fra himlen og lander ufrivilligt i min mund.
Ligegyldigheden lægger sig som tunge fjer for mit blik,
og jeg er bare -
Indhyllet i repetitionens storslåede pragt af forblødende sind,
der overses af snefnug og placebolykke.
Jeg lytter til melankoliens toner, der lægger sig sterilt i mit blod,
forsøger at rense det for alt der er mig; til der intet er tilbage.
Men jeg føler ingenting.
Kun en brændende stikken af forfrysningerne, der har bredt sig til alle mine organer, hvor det eneste, der pligtopfyldende fungerer,
er en pulserende hjerterytme, der magtesløs hvisker signaler om et synderknust indre.
Men væggene er for tykke og sneen for dyb
til at noget skulle kunne trænge igennem til omverdenens bedøvede trance.
jeg ser min reflektion i dig
så jeg gemmer dig i min hud
tegner skitser på papir til mine
tårer løber om kap med regnen
intet er godt nok lige meget hvad
jeg ser dig
du er overalt som duerne på gaden
dine baskende vinger skræmmer mig
for du kommer ingen vegne uden dig selv
men du bliver aldrig dig selv blot en billig kopi.
Skrevet: 19. Januar - 2015
If my hands were ice
your fingerprints
would have been
carved into them
like an ice sculpture.

Your fingerprints
are like paintings
in my gallery of
missing people.
Only missing you.

If my hands were ice
you would be the artist
and I would have melted
Written: January 14. - 2015
Jeg prøvede
at slås med ild
men brændte blot
mig selv

Jeg kan stadig mærke
den skoldhede

Som var det igår
jeg testede
mine forældres

Som var det i dag
jeg fik trangen
til at gøre det forbi

Med livet
foran mig
og døden bag mig
løb jeg min vej

Med grønne træer
og skumle øjne
bag glade mennesker

Der stod jeg
alene i verden
med livet kørt afsted

Her står jeg
med brandsår
Og døde øjne
bag verden.
Skrevet: 6. Januar - 2015

Behind the world

I tried to fight with fire but ended up burning myself
I can still feel the scald metal-surface
As if it was yesterday I tested my parents patience
As if it was today I got the urge to end it all
With my life in front of me and death behind me I ran away
With green trees and sinister eyes behind happy people
There I stood alone in the world and life had driven by
Here I stand with burns and dead eyes behind the world
You fill out the empty spaces in my mind and heart with your tone-deaf

If your laughter was a place to live it would be a farm with cows, pigs and

It could **** a thousand birds but I would rather live on your farm and see a million dead birds than laugh
Written: January 4. - 2015

Dedicated to my bæbæ
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