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  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
It's kinda cool how when life is normal
rainy days make me lethargic and unmotivated.
But when life is hard and I'm struggling
rainy days are the greatest comfort,
as if the earth is crying with me
saying that I'm allowed to feel it all
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Hussein Dekmak
If you go through a raging storm,
Have your life colored with sorrow,
And taste the wine of pain;
It is all good!

If you go through a bad experience,
Have your heart broken to pieces,
And your rosy dreams shattered;
It is all good!

If you go through a venture of failure,
Suffer through a dreadful  hardship,
And struggle to make ends meet;
It is all good!

After all, “What doesn't break you makes you stronger.”
Sorrow, tears, and pain will shape
Your personality and make it shine
With beauty, love, and humanity!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
My heart
Its currently pending
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Having a rollercoaster brain
always pushing through the pain
there is nothing that I can do
I wish that I would have a clue
what will make my emotions stable
I'm laying it all out on the table
My ADHD slowly killing me
making me unable to see
my self-worth from day to day
I'm up and giggly, want to play
then I'm down and can't come out
and all I can do is cry and pout
I know it is not circumstantial
though at times it seems financial
but I'll be up for seven days
and then it all just goes sideways
and then I'm trying to make the climb
wondering why I have no spine
my courage it is failing me
all I want is for you to see
that if you love me patiently
not get scared and off you flee
then we an have a special love
and we can fit just like a glove
Jesus please hear my sad prayer
please answer my with special care
I love you God, you hold me tight
even when I push and fight
try to do things on my own
to convince people that I'm full grown
You care for me through everything
under Your protective wing
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Lou Romano
Where the hell is the door
I’ve got to get out of here
Oh no…no….it can’t be
there really is no way out
Everything is in the in,
I ran out of my house
But was still in the yard
I got out of my car
But was still in the lot
Going out of my mind
But still in my body
Perhaps when I die
They’ll bury me outside of the box
Yea that’s it……no wait,
that won’t work either
I’ll still be in the ground
The is no way out...
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