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  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Katelyn Billat
There's something about
The crisp air of autumn.
Taking it into your lungs,
And letting it out
As a cloud of breath
Escapes your lips
And disappears
Into the trees.
The only sounds are
Of the leaves that have fallen,
Crunching beneath your feet.
Perhaps it's lovely to let things go.
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Masha Yurkevich

oh child,
sitting by the window.
How long have you been there,
watching the snow?

oh child,
sitting by the window.
What is it that you want
to know?

oh child,
sitting by the window.
How long will you be there,
and will you ever go?

oh child,
sitting by the window.
Will you ever be loved,
or have a home?

oh child,
sitting by the window...

This Sunday is the day of Orphans.

I have seen orphans sitting by the window like this before, and it felt like a knife went through my heart when I did.
All who have a family, a house, food; don't take it for granted.
Because there are so many who don't have it...
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
As time goes by
Moving along with a purpose

Ending the old
Beginning the young

Yielding to none
Stopping for nothing

Recording life
Creating eras
Continuing years

Embodiment of love
Creator of space

Running out
Spin into oblivion, but it won’t stop

Time is a mystery
But it creates history

Coming to an end
Moving to its final destination
Bringing everything with it

Builds a rhyme
A poem
A hymn

Ruler of space
Of earth
Of us

When it stops
So do we
And everything, that is

A whirlpool of emotions comes crashing in
The rhythm of your heart beats out of tune
You control your time
When it’s up, you decide

When you’re done
You stop the clock
Turn off the lights
And hear your last sound;
Though pleasant to the ear, dangerous as time
Your time only stops when you give up.
With no love in your heart, or hope in your soul, time folds in on itself.
Leaving you in a pocket, alone.
  Nov 2019 Carmen Jane
Bogdan Dragos
She told me that women like
men with grizzled,
faces, men with scars
men with eyepatches
men with very unkempt beards
Mouths that snarl
when it’s time to smile
Eyes that are like eggs buried in
a nest of wrinkles
Noses that are never straight
And the jaw,
oh the jaw has to be big
like a drawer
A man’s face must have a chin
that can take sledgehammers

that’s why the luckiest woman
in the world
was Belle
from The Beauty and The Beast.
That was a real man, The Beast.
although the story is a tragic one
because in the
end he turns
into a charming prince
with smooth face and polished

“What a *******,” she said. “If only
he stayed a beast…”

Meanwhile I think about
the most grizzly feature about
my face is the mad
eyestrain I developed
because of my job, after staring
at monitors in a dark room for
all those years and then coming home
to stare at another monitor.
it is now impossible for me to get
outside and keep my eyes
open like a normal person. I die if I
don’t strain them as hard as I
can. Sunglasses don’t even help.
and there’s also the dark
circles below my eyes
they’re not even purple as I’ve seen
in other people

“They have the texture of the
skin around the *******,” she said,

She was right.

She was also right when she pointed
out that if you can’t grow
a beard by the time you’re
twenty you’ll never grow a proper

“****,” I said. “Guess I’ll never
be a beast.”

“It’s never too late to get your
face ****** up
though,” she said. “You
just need
to hang around
the right people.”

“Such as your dad?” I said.

“Oh, *******,” she said,
dragging the blanket
over her *******.
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