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Chattering of china
Twittering of utensils
The scoop of melting grease
Manifesting the release
The smoke of sizzling meat
Saturating the nostril
And the waitress
Half slavish
Flirts here and prattles there
To dodge the malice of moment
In the ring of endless hustle
Where refills are free
And rewinds obliged.
Forsake me not Love
For I need your flame
When desire dims wisdom
And conscience yields candle rays
Forsake me not
For I need your fuel
When my blood wilts to climb
The precipice of salvation
Forsake me not
When I stray off your path
I'm just a lowly creature
Amused by the woods
Forsake me not
When pride gets the better of me
I need your cloak of kindness
To ward off evil attire.

You are a mystic night
Impeding sweep of disaster
Keep me nigh and let me linger
In the magic of your trust.
 Apr 2019 Brother Jimmy
Death lives within these walls.
It seeped up through the attic rafters,
Settled down in the furthest recesses,
And it waited for me.

I know you, Death.
We become more familiar with each passing day.
You are the movement in my peripheral in an empty room;
The whisper in my ear originating from nowhere;
The hair on my arms and neck standing, unprovoked;
The unease slowly building within me.

The cat knows you, too.
I see her watching you as you move throughout the house,
Never turning her back to you.
She is protecting me.
Even when you call her name, she will not leave my side.
She arches her back in warning when you get too close -
Is she warning you to stay away?
Or warning me that you are approaching?

I sense you are getting stronger, Death.
I feel you when you slink up beside me and linger there -
But yesterday you touched me.
It froze me to my soul, and to the spot where I was standing.
Unable to move.
Unable to breathe.
Gripped by a terror I've never known before,
But understand I will know again.

My light is slowly fading into your darkness
And I feel helpless to stop it.
What do you want from me, Death?
And how far will you go to get it?
 Apr 2019 Brother Jimmy
 Apr 2019 Brother Jimmy
The first of the warmest days of spring
A beautiful view stretched out before me
Sun shining, clouds drifting
Winter's brutal cold a fading memory

Red tulips standing at attention
Their soft floral scent fills the air
The sun's rays warm on my skin
A gentle breeze touches your hair

Sitting together hand in hand
Across the table from each other
We came together as though it were planned
Each one so in love with the other

How is it we are so blessed
Living this life of bliss
Our love envied by the rest
It doesn't get much better than this
 Mar 2019 Brother Jimmy
a couple cups of coffee,
a candle cooing in the corner,
carried candid cravings away.
creased the coarse corners of a book,
a kind of caffeinated carelessness,
where others haven't looked.
and so the moving heart, with misery,
resolves to have its day.
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