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Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Blink of an eye
Say of a word
News from a spy
Edge of a sword
A sudden death
Fails the world

An enemy, a friend
A breach of conscience
Unable to Defend
A cloud so dense
A sudden death
Fails the world

Pale and unsound
Silence after a cry
Chaos unbound
Motionless and dry
A sudden death
Fails the world

A void exists
A mystery two-fold
The illness persists
A feeling so cold
A sudden death
Fails the world

Forgotten Words
Forgotten phrases
Corrupt Guards
A predator chases
A sudden death
Fails the world

Break the nib
Absence of guilt
To argue and crib
Ashes of the built
A sudden death
Fails the world

A mother's cry for a still child
Sheep's bleat at the butchers knife
Chaos unbound
Souls unsound
Fodder for life fades away untold
A sudden death
Fails the world

Broken hearts commit suicide
Slick of a reptiles tongue
Chasing the shadows of vengeance
A vagabond in unruly clothes
Honesty, Respect and Humility sold
A sudden death
Fails the world

Wilted years of youth realized
Sadness stacked on racks of mind
Tears shed on the brightest pyre
Pains and Sorrows never retire untold
A sudden death
Fails the world
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
Missing blissful memories,
Cherished thoughts.
Memories in webs,
Tangled knots.
Binding grievances
Pave the way.
Unfettered thoughts
Have their own say.

Moments felt,
Moments understood.
Times are past,
Graveness its hood.
Calm seas rejoice
In silence.
Storms are but
Reasons to penance.

Regret hopes to
Unbind the will.
Will’s infant cry
To escape.
Bewilderment stares
With mouth agape.

Confusions unfold
In graves.
Souls depart
To hellish caves.
Brevity speaks
A thousand words.
Wilderness stands
On a million swords.

Confused and petrified.
Thoughts again
To guide.
A vicious circle
So unholy.
One committed
To every folly.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
The world is a labyrinth,
Every speckle a maze.
The mystery enthralls every sense,
Pensive and my brows tense.
Inability to find a way,
A single thought,
Drowns the greatest bay.

Troubled sleepless nights,
A confusion still guards my plights.
Bound in a skeletal structure,
Every soul suffers a rupture.
Its flight restricted by motives,
An aura guided by morals,
Inability to hear true calls.
Alas ! dizzy with dreams again.

Unwind your cruel and crafty design.
Approach my destruction,
Before your will resigns.
Animosity need not demand favorable signs,
Boulder my aura,
For your will reigns.

Submissive and blind --The fool that i have become.
On my consent you've build a dome.
It is your wish to leave and to come,
A harlots dwelling,
In comparison to your home.

Roots to my spirit,split to the core.
Entangled and lost,
Worms feeding on their host.
Gluttony for emotions,
Sought by the lifeless.
A harlots untouched heart,
Left to undress.

Invisible bruises unseen ,
Penetrate deeper in my veins.
A single touch ,
Leaves blasphemous stains.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
The ******* in making,
Enjoy the pleasures of faking.
My thoughts still fleeting,
Sheared off yet bleating.
The rake inside me awakened,
Morals yet again threatened.
The devil's awake agile and ready,
Conscience breached and unsteady.
My head remains heavy and pensive,
A ******* yet again shall live.
Ransacked of all what I had,
Forlorn with thoughts, sad.
Leaves me hollow inside and out,
Void inside wishes to scream and shout.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
You loved me so,
to numb my pain,
You served them more.
To end my miseries,
My happiness you abhorred.

You loved me so,
To cure my ailment,
You poisoned my soul.
To vent out my heart,
You closed all doors.

You loved me so,
To quench my thirst,
You offered me sulfur.
A desire to experience heaven,
Hell was raised above.

You loved me so,
Answers when granted,
Were forms of silence.
Breath when needed ,
Vacuum you granted.

You loved me so,
Of wine I dreamt,
Found blood and gore.
Expected images of life,
Death images you swore.
Blissful Nobody Jul 2014
if silence is a barrier, i would break through it.

if the echoing sounds still didn't stop, i would scream aloud.

then i would hear nothing but my voice so clear.
if my murky vision is a barrier, i would break through it.

if the hazy illusions still didn't go, i would close my eyes so tight.

then i would see nothing but the visions of my heart.
if my unsteady feet are a barrier, i would break through it.

if i still feared that i would fall, i would stop a while.

then i would know perfectly where to go and my feet wont faulter again.
if my shivering hands are a barrier, i would break through it.

if i still feared that the task would go wrong,then i will close my fist so tight and engrave my nails till i felt the pain.

then i would know that even if i didn't carry on, i would still hurt myself somehow.
if reality seems a barrier, i would break through it.

if i still feared my past haunting me,then i would work hard to convert my dreams into reality.

then however may be the situations i would survive.

— The End —