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 Aug 2015 Blair
Sally A Bayan
(When The Rains Come)

Our house stands on a valley
early summer evenings find people strolling
specially when the sky is arrayed with countless stars,
and a full moon cooperates with a glow

Who wouldn't want a rain-less evening?
no rush...walking easy on a Friday or Saturday night
finding ways to unwind....glasses tingle in toasting
conversation and laughter fill the air...

In parts of the valley shielded by bridges and walls
there live the troubled, homeless souls
they, too, want to breathe the evening air
they leave their improvised homes
find dark spaces, where they turn bolder
some toughened...almost numbed
their litanies, held within
their eyes, beyond shedding tears
their faces stained with sadness and frustration
due to failed expectations

Around these dark spaces
are where callous eyes meet wary looks
where angels mingle with demons
where, most times, indifference wins
against compassion.

i met the dauntless, black eyes of an old woman
i almost dropped mine, to avoid the stare
but she tapped my elbow...i looked up again.

Both of my shoulders would not suffice
to ease the burden this old woman carried
how do we deal with a problem that always starts but doesn't end?
how? when most turn their faces, their backs, their thoughts away,
because, there's nothing spectacular to see, or be expected
just more unpleasant things to come up.

The rains have finally come...our valley
most often, turns into a gully
where it seems to be raining forever.
i think of the old woman with black eyes
if she's still around, could she be hungry? wet again?
shivering from the cold rain?
where could she be seeking shelter
now that summer
is finally over?


Copyright May 23, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Aug 2015 Blair
Kay Ireland
He Was
 Aug 2015 Blair
Kay Ireland
You were cigarette smoke and breaking waves on the shores of distant lands. You were crooked teeth and chocolate breath. You were black coffee and shaggy hair. You were hazel eyes and arms I would have died in. You were soft cotton shirts and ***** work boots. You were Bukowski’s good side. You were pool tables and wool hats. You were black curtains. You were everything and more. You were the one that got away. You were.
 Aug 2015 Blair
It's beyond soulmate
It's beyond cry out
I pretend even in solitude
Nothing can wash away my doubt

Even from a distance
Your heart looks sad
And pictures are misty
Cause they're by another lad

My heart may be sad
But my eyes are always smiling
For you, my dearest
You the one and only

But you left me all alone
And for that i might hate you
But we are the truest of soulmates
Therefore i will always love you

Those nights you were alone
Disgraced my pride
I sat there on the ledge
Watching the tide

The water's so peaceful
With all the stars above
I started gazing and searching
For you, my love

My honeydew
You're presence sets the sun
On fire, in flames
But i will never want to run

My love, my heart
You have stolen from me
Don't be upset
I can help you see

Even though we're in love
Even though we said forever
We're not meant to be
We will never be together

You make me blush
No matter what you say
But we have to part
And go our separate ways
 Aug 2015 Blair
 Aug 2015 Blair
I miss the midnight talks
the magic words
meaningful messages
and senseless laughs
Every "haha"
And every "huhu"
Every good morning
And every good night.
I'll give away everything
Just take me back
When everything was
Just the way it was
But it seems that
Everything is not enough
To bring back those times
So I'll just accept that
All those things
Are, in my memories,
I can find.
 Aug 2015 Blair
Craig Verlin
I write fiction because I realized
from a young age that
I was a splendid liar,
with these pretty little lies
I ******* all nice and tight.
Slowly they became bigger
as I became bigger
and they became ugly
as I became ugly,
and still they came,
with more momentum now.
They grew thorns, hurting the
people who believed them.
I put them on the paper
so they could look beautiful
Still they were false.
Still they sat in my gut
like an unwanted child,
a weight I couldn't help
but carry.
So here, another lie
for me to tie.
See, see how pretty it is?
 Aug 2015 Blair
Jacob Christopher
Timing's a funny thing.
It seems I always stroll into a persons' life,
exactly when I'm most useful.
Just a stranger who pops in,
straightens up the place a bit,
then leaves.
Rarely though,
is my timing ever to my own benefit.
Too late, too early,
doesn't matter.
I can only hope that perhaps one day,
I'll find myself somewhere I'm meant to stay.
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