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 Aug 2015 Blair
Just across the creek
I could see a glimpse of hope
As I stared at my reflection in the water
The air was fresher
The grass was greener
the flowers colors were so vivid
They appeared to dance
Just across the creek
In the air sparkled healing
You just needed to reach up
And wholeness and other good things were in the trees
Just across the creek
I pondered on the thought of going over
Although it was wider than I could jump
My feet would have to get wet
If I wanted to experience abundant health
I stepped in the water
It refreshed
When my feet touched the bank
I began to rejoice
Leaping and prancing my way through a wonderland
Of just what I needed
As I reached up and out
that which held me captive set me free
Now I'm no longer bound
No more chains holding me back
Because I ignored my carnal mind
And gave way to the supernatural
Just across the creek
I rarely tell anyone
Anything that is going on in my life
Because I don't have someone to talk to

I usually like being alone
Figuring out my problems myself
Maybe its because I have trust issues
Since that day

But is better to keep it to myself
Rather than letting the world know
What I struggle with
Day to day

Because in the end
I know i'm on my own
"Every man for himself"
 Aug 2015 Blair
Asim Javid
In the crowd of strange faces
yours seemed familiar...
I did not know you, yet
to the person in my mind
you looked similar..
None acquaintance lied between,
I felt pulled to you altogether..
You are a beautiful stranger,
Strangely beautiful you are..
I don't know if i see you again,
You are close,  even if you
stay so **** far* ...
 Aug 2015 Blair
 Aug 2015 Blair
I believe I drink more tea than alcoholics drink alcohol
And it makes me drunk
In its own way
And I fear it would ruin my teeth
The way alcoholics fear it would ruin their liver
But we drink it anyway
Until the damage is too clear to ignore
I look at the mirror and see how terrible my teeth have become
As an alcoholic holds his stomach in pain
And we both go for another glass
 Aug 2015 Blair
Finding you
 Aug 2015 Blair
I would travel across all the galaxies
Just to be with you

Even if it took me centuries
For you there's nothing I wouldn't do

I'd explore every planet
Just to find you

I'd collect all the stars I'd come across
So on the day I do find you

I'll give you all the stars as a gift and reminder
Of my fascinating journey

Of looking for and finding you
*My love
 Aug 2015 Blair
Sarah Caroline
If history repeats itself like we play our favorite tunes
If human beings tend to orbit just like planets and their moons
If the mind and heart expand like scientists know the cosmos is
If good and bad can balance out in some kind of osmosis
If people can be kind at heart but even more so, kind in deed
If the human touch outweighs every other basic need
If dreams are more like memories the soul has lost and found again
If we're just strangers in a strange land imagining some greater plan
If, as life goes on, all things give in to rapid rise and fall
If all this is true, maybe that's why I'm not afraid of you at all.
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