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  Apr 2019 Hadley Potratz
Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

No, I’m pretty sure Violets are violet.

That poem is a lie.

Just like my love for you.
Satire is fun in poetry sometimes. It doesn’t always have to be grim.
  Apr 2019 Hadley Potratz
ok okay
Hang me from your balcony
So you can hear my fantasy
People only want to listen when your wrists are painting poetry
Push me off a cliff so you can make a tragedy
Tragedies make poetry
Poetry is lovely
Tie me to some train tracks
To create a mass catastrophe
Catastrophes make poetry
Poetry is charming
Life is cold :l Second part was inspired from 'life is beautiful' lil peep x
Hadley Potratz Apr 2019
A look back from the past week

From a first
hey, what's your name

To a
"hey, it's I.H"

Then a
Good luck in your 2 mile

Hey, thanks for putting up with me today

"Not at all the case, I enjoyed it, in fact talking to you was completely out of my comfort zone."

To sharing poetry and helping me through some things to slowly working my way to become a better person.

A simple argument
I'm a pineapple and I want to argue about it!
"but there's no reason to argue about it."
But I wanna.

A conversation how sandwiches are the ideal food and some realism .

to telling me
"but you’re a lot more confident than I expected. It takes guts to just walk up and talk to a random stranger. You’re good at putting up a façade, concealing your true feelings and emotions."

Then life sets in and you leave in July and you're most likely never coming back but still in an attempt to keep in touch.

Take care.
I wish you the best of luck.
Until we meet again.
This was an attempt at a bullet poem and it's my first one off the top of my head and if you're reading this I.H. I wish you the best of luck and fare well
-Your favorite Pineapple
Hadley Potratz Apr 2019
What if you know you found the one, but every minute of the day feel like you don’t deserve them because you are worthless and not believing a single thing of what they say to you because past relationships messed you up so bad that you have trust issues.

Seeing every compliment as a lie because in your head it is simply not possible for someone to look at you that way.
You make up the worst scenarios in your head of them leaving you but, you are too scared to tell them because they might actually do.
Waking up every single night crying because in your dreams they don’t want to be with you, like you always expected. It feels like loving me is a job not something you do because you actually love me. I worry about everything.

I overreact half of the time and I push you away when I need you the most.
I need constant reassurance and god I hate it so much.

There is always this fear of not knowing what someone actually thinks about you because the voices in your head are screaming at the sweet words he tells you.
I say ‘sorry’ 20 times a day because I actually think I insulted you in some way and the smallest arguments seem like the end of the world. I cry and panic over the smallest things and I ask if I am annoying at least 3 times a day because I believe I am.

I cry every time you have to go home or when you leave because it might be the last time I get to see you even though I know that’s not true.

I never expected finding the love of my life would also be one of the most painful things ever.
  Apr 2019 Hadley Potratz
To love one’s self
To accept her flaws instead of thinking out why she’s helpless
Know that you are amazing
in you; you can find love
when you treat yourself better
you also treat yourself with the
love and care you deserve
Know that you are stronger
than any storms
and that we all
have different battles that we are facing
in our life everyday
But know that we can get through this
And learn to be mindful with the present
And step by step
begin to be grateful for yourself,
for the air that you breathe, for the food that you eat,
for the people that loves you,
for the nature that nourish
you to flourish.
And be your kind of love
because you do this for yourself
to accept, to love,
and to embrace who you are
because you deserve
the right treatment
to be your own uniqueness.

be your love
give and recieve love from yourself
because we need the right proper care and love
that we also owe to ourselves
because we sometimes forget to do this things from ourselves. Self-love is important
to give to yourself.

be kinder than to feel.

you deserve a treat of love & care
from you <3
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