when parallel worlds collide no words may be spoken of the chaos left inside how about this you were not there it was not real my missing parts you did not steal digging deeper deepest down I found some thing made me bold alchemical gold cannot be bought cannot be sold still brought a lot of trouble to my door future, present and what went before.
I see your eyes and smile in passing strangers and hear your voice in the songs you used to love to sing. Memories of you play like picture-shows in my mind and my heart loves you even more than before. Death only keeps us physically a part, but spiritually we'll always be together.
If I could be love, I'd be... Love, birthed Love, given Love, received and Love, everlasting... The only love, I wouldn't want to be... is love lost, to anybody.
The Brain will naturally put the words in the correct order. the power of the brain. (I’m not sure why I cannot take the period after the word big it’s the system not my intention)