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 Oct 2016 Austen girl
 Oct 2016 Austen girl
he is beautiful
oh, like the sun
dripping golden light,
& God what I would give
to have him make
the flowers in my mind
grow again
 Oct 2016 Austen girl
I keep thinking about all the things we could become,
about adventures we would put in our pockets,
and watch the dark capture the sun.

But I’m sure you don’t know how I feel,
but it’s not you who is spellbound,
since it’s you who spins the wheel.

I know you, yet you are still a stranger,
it’s rather funny the way we met,
but now I sense the inevitable danger.

Sometimes we don’t talk for a while
yet I still wonder how you’re doing,
and then I can’t stop to smile.

To be honest I would like to run away,
but you keep me tied to your wrist,
without hearing the words I have to say.

I think we have a lot of calamity in us,
yet it seems to hurt me the most,
so hit me with your best shot.

**And take my breath away for the last time.
Litter walks idly on my floors
Food trays leave odours in the hall
I regularly ignore the door bell
When I hear my neighbour call
He rings a thousand times
But I don't care for his talk
'Hello Eddie' sounds his voice
Before I hear his feet start to walk
What did you think would happen
You left me when times were good
I believed we could be together
Naivety ran warm through my blood
My mother was right ofcourse
She said you were a waste of space
When you picked up those heavy cases
I just fell headfirst onto my face
Where do I go from here
Nobody can help ease the pain
Let's face it i'm washed up baggage
And I'm floating along in the rain
My song is a song that is rarely sung.
It is not a popular one.
My song is an unfamiliar tune.
Which very few will listen to.
It is a song of Love.
It is my calling from Above.
My song is a song which will revolutionize the world.
And transform the human heart.
My song took Me to a rugged cross.
My song is the song of Sacrifice.
It is not a popular one.
For it is a song of Love.
A song of the rose.
In a world of thorns.
A crown of thorns upon My brow.
I sang My song to rescue all.
From the Fall.
My song is the song of the Lamb.
My song is the song of the great I AM.
My song is a song of Love.
Which very few will listen to.
Will you?
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."--John 3:16.
 Sep 2016 Austen girl
 Sep 2016 Austen girl
Stuck between going through,
and going back;
stuck holding somebody else,
and wishing to hold his.
Wanting to love them again,
and wanting to be loved by
someone new;
it's a battle between meddling with
the past
or fighting for the future.
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