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 Sep 2016 Austen girl
I've got the perfect body,
yet I wish I was somebody,
I've got the perfect voice,
yet I feel I have no choice.
I have the perfect life for someone else...

I hide in the shadows in the daylight.
I only come out at night.
My soul is a black hole,
with only one goal...
to absorb the light you possess.

My heart is scarred from trying to love,
I can make a heart stop with a quick shove.
Never caught in the dark,
it's my birthmark.
**Etched to exist in constant joy to sin.
 Sep 2016 Austen girl
Jeff Spate
Frankie and Joni
They were young lovers
Nothing could tear them apart
Don't worry baby, says Frankie to Joni
I'll never do you no harm

In a ****** motel
On the outskirts of town
Joni goes dancing with Jake
The rhythms they make, there aint no doubt
God help them if Frankie found out

A cruel twist of fate
Frankie came home
She found Jake and Joni in bed
In a hail storm of lead from a .38 chrome
Jake and Joni were dead

Frankie and Joni
They were young lovers
Nothing could tear them apart
Say what you will about this thing called love
Some people just aint no **** good
 Sep 2016 Austen girl
Star Gazer
I begged and pleaded
Bled the beats of my heart
Hoping that the butterfly
Would flutter on its way
But it didn't.

The winds were brutal
as wings flapped as usual;
I had hoped the butterfly
hadn't dropped.

My best friend said
'Don't worry it's just sick';
Coated herself in her
child-like bliss,
I replied to her with
'Ok. It's just sick'.

The teens were brutal
And she held the storms
With a broken umbrella
As usual.
She would tell me
'Sometimes humans are
alike butterflies;
We'd show our beauty
but silence our cries'.

After a while her words
just stopped,
The first day I walked
pass her house,
Knocked on the wooden
Hoping that I would see her
but silence responded to my
door knock.
The door remained locked.

I was the only one allowed
to knock;
while others used the doorbell
I was the one she would always tell,
'Just knock the door-
it will be our thing'.
Soon after 'our thing'
became nothing.

The second day;
I walked pass her house
Knocked on the door
just hoping that
there'll be an answer,
that she'd dance
her way to the door
and responded.

Her parents went missing
for a while,
Held onto broken smiles
While painting permanent frowns
on smiling clowns.
I have seen things broken,
But their smile sat like
barbed wires along a patch
of empty land.
Their smiles were
the kind, not to keep sheep in
but to keep everything else out.

I came by the third day
Hoping to end my dismay,
I knocked on the door;
she did not answer the door,
And I fell to the porch
cried tears over how
I wished it all went back to before.

I did that for the remaining week;
Hoping that she'd open the door
But she wasn't six feet away from the door;
She'd remain to this day
Not one millimetre from my heart
and memory.

Sometimes humans are
alike butterflies;
We'd show our beauty
but silence our cries...
 Sep 2016 Austen girl
twelve strikes calls the river
to run on the peach silk beds
to pool on white cotton covers
one strike calls the gut-punching
the anger and the screaming
to burn the sins of the day before
two strikes calls the dark haze
slowly beckoned
by the tiring tirade against my soul
three cents to bet
that i might wake up the next day
 Aug 2016 Austen girl
Star Gazer
We weren't all made this way;
Left the classrooms just to pray
Hoping that the school bell
would take away the pain.

The light guiding us has been long gone
Replaced by the same old song
Of how we weren't ever made to belong,
We fought off tides after tides of criticism.

We told ourselves we were better than them
...We had to be.
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