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Stewie Apr 2018
There will be a day, in which you meet a man who makes you whole again.
He will make you believe in magic
He won’t stray to another woman’s thighs
There will be a day, in which this man will cry tears with you
You will begin to wonder why you swore off love before him
He will redefine ‘the one’ all over again
Stewie Apr 2018
I hope you're doing well.
I want you to find happiness.
Stewie Apr 2018
I get tattoos because there is something about the blood that spills from my skin and the immense pain I feel from the needle. The way the tattoo artist uses their hands and whole body to permanently stain my body forever. It's quite neurotic, the sound the tattoo gun makes, that turns me on in a way I can't describe.
Stewie Apr 2018
i have a dark side to me that runs away when the sun comes out. it's sickening and dense as a foggy night sky. i don't know what people want from me as i'm careless and meticulous in the dangerous sense. it can be hard for people to catch up to me and once they do, they sink into me like quicksand. i laugh as they become covered in the licks i spit, as they cry out for my hand. you asked for this, for i cannot help you, as it gives me great pleasure to watch you squirm. there is something obliterating beautiful watching someone else crumble to pieces around you while you keep sane and they lose their mind. i make their hearts race as they die and i steal their soul. as they gasp for air, last words slip off their lips,

"i guess there is no getting over you."...
i tried to tell you.
Stewie Apr 2018
sometimes, it's ok to turn off all the lights in your hotel room. you draw the curtains open and allow the twinkling lights from the tall city buildings to sprinkle your skin. an overwhelming, yet familiar feeling creeps into your soul like a slow-moving fog. ah, this is called loneliness my dear. instead of being afraid, grab the hand that loneliness embraces you with and dance. allow the passerby's among the roads below to witness a beautiful being embracing the night and proving that sometimes, it's ok to be lonely.
You can be lonely.
Stewie Mar 2018
The Florida sun burns my skin as I drive with the windows down.
The wind curls and whips around my short hair and tickles the bumps on my arms..
The clouds sway back and forth unaware of the direction.
And then there's me.

A woman who has gained back her confidence.
Stewie Mar 2018
Tonight I looked up at the moon and something is different.
I have changed.
Last year, the moon was the only one who could console my crying tears and shivering bones.
The moon hugged me in his embrace and whispered words of affirmation into my delicate ears.
The moon knew my life path before I even did and that is exactly why he was so calm while I was falling apart.
Looking up at the moon now and emotions raid my skin.
I am happy, I am where I need to be.
The moon stares back at me and says, "I knew this all along..."
He is always with me, in the still of the night
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