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 Aug 2017 Noah A
Lady K Milla
 Aug 2017 Noah A
Lady K Milla
The sun met the rain
The rain fell in love
The sun well
she kind of did
kind of, sort of.
The rain asked to wed
The sun well,
she fled.
 Aug 2017 Noah A
Lady K Milla
I bit into your apple anyway
Even though I knew my bibliotic facts
I let my temptation bite into you
but I didn't doom the world
I doomed myself.
 Aug 2017 Noah A
Lady K Milla
Pain sat next to me
The nerve
It sat next to me
To give me something I don't deserve
It made its apologies
It hugged me like a long lost friend
And made it's way into my heart
I knew this feeling from beginning to end
I said "Pain, you have something coming, a big reveal,
I'm tired of masking you, suppressing what I feel."
It said "Darling, I was wondering when you were going
to put up a fight. Now let the world see that only through me,
you're inspired to write".
 Aug 2017 Noah A
Lady K Milla
Stale as a leaf
I lay on my sheets
After falling from a tree
That has grown tired of me
hanging on its branches.
 Aug 2017 Noah A
Lady K Milla
I lay motionless in my bed
and it’s been days,
I hear echoes in my head saying,
“We should go our separate ways”
 Aug 2017 Noah A
 Aug 2017 Noah A
Used, Abused, and Injured
Drink it all away until your words are slurred
Dig a blade into your skin
Until your blood starts to run thin

Shut every emotion off
When someone ask just scoff
Let every insecurity eat you alive
Until you have lost your will to survive

Overthink all little things
Until your chest hurts and stings
Black out in the shower
Pass out like a collapsing tower

Wake up weak and half dead
Where you can’t move like you’re full of lead
Wonder why no one wants you
Think about them as you turn blue

See your vision start to fade
Know your choice was just made
Leave behind the world that hates you
Its grey and white hue

Now you’re dead and there is no going back
All you see is black
Your funeral is held and people do go
People that love you start to show

Your friends from school
Your Family, people you barely knew
Because you thought you were alone
Like you just were sinking like stone

But you pushed people away
People never got you to sway
You never let them stay
Just shut them out of our day

They wanted to help you more than ever
But now they blame themselves.
When they found your body
Everyone bent over on one knee

Because they can’t breathe without you.

People Really Love you
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