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ArianLlwyn Feb 2021
Great old Black birds bathe beneath blacker storms,
Songs free, flee the clatter,
Raindrops dance till they shatter,
Sad none of this will matter.
ArianLlwyn Apr 2020
Deceptive is that shared eye in the mirror.
In truth, it cannot scry,
The loneliness in my sigh,
Nor my wholly hollow lie.
ArianLlwyn Mar 2021
The world's small eyes bare down like heavy gold,
On whomsoever seeks their glazed dim gaze.
My second attempt at a couplet in iambic pentameter.
ArianLlwyn Mar 2021
They say the sun shines bright
Beyond the hills of night.

Perhaps one day I might
See this beautiful light.

For now my days are dark
My dreams are nightmares wrought.
ArianLlwyn Feb 2021
Click, tick, click, tock, the old clock's hand is wrought.
Iydll, we are as dammed,
And Time will not seem as grand
When there's no one left to stand.
ArianLlwyn Jun 2020
It’s suffocating
These things you’ve long yearned for me,
Please just let me breathe,
Listen to my somber plea,
Please, I just want to be me.
My first attempt at Tanka poetry
ArianLlwyn Mar 2021
I run in the river, I'm lost, I run.
Watching While rocks roll past my feet, I'm done.
My first attempt at a couplet with lambic pentameter
ArianLlwyn May 2021
That guy, that boy, that man.
The words roll round my head,
Like a big bingo cage,
Full of thin razor blades.
ArianLlwyn Mar 2021
A concoction of terror and delight
Dispels my dimming light,
As I fail to fight my fright
Subsumed by the smiling night.
Another attempt at english englyn
ArianLlwyn Dec 2024
He was only another flame in the furnace,
Another hammer blow against my steel,
Another round of pain,
From which I'll heal,
Stronger than before.
ArianLlwyn Feb 2
Ignorance is a pit,
A well of despair,
Where you suffer unaware,
Unable to escape,
ArianLlwyn Apr 2020
A barricade, a blockade, bars my path.
“Perhaps I’m lost,” I sigh,
Trying in vain not to cry.
I yield and watch time slip by.
An attempt at the welsh englyn style (englyn unodl union if you're curious) in English.
ArianLlwyn Dec 2024
There's a monsters in my closet,
Staring from the shadows,
Long fingers on the frame,
Red gaze a peiceing flame,
Always watching,
Never acting,
Simply waiting in the dark.
ArianLlwyn May 2021
Once I dreamt of a world so grand,
I reached to hold it in my hand,
But it fell away like pale sand.

— The End —