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Love is a piece of heven placed on earth to put us through hell
Love is dark magic and we are all under it's spell
Self rejection mostly occurs when your a teen,
There is you, rejection but friends in between,
Your "good" friends keep you from the thought of it alone,
Without friends you have to deal with it on your own,
You see...self rejection isn't easy to hide,
I personally try but only hurt my pride,
Keeping secrets from your friends isnt the best idea,
Friends arent replacable you cant buy them from Ikea,
My friends can easily see if Im depressed or sad,
They're practically the only ones that make me glad,
Friends give you something to live for,
Some of my friends I personally adore,
My friend recommended
Self Acceptance is a challenging task,
Its not as simple as throwing on a mask,
You have to actually go through a lot,
Right when you think you have it you noticed you missed a spot,
Then your sent back to square one,
The path towards self acceptance isnt fun,
I truly don't have self acceptance and have no need for it,
My emotions **** me in like a bottomless pit,
Still to this day I technically see no purpose for myself,
Maybe its time to store my emotions on a shelf,
People like how nice I am but the inner me slowly chips away,
I want those around me to be happy so the price I must pay,
Why me
Ever since day 1 he was truly determined to play,
If I met him our friendship would never decay,
I once did volleyball myself whenI was younger,
Winning a single game won't satisfy his hunger,
I would run with him on that mountain every day,
I would see to it that he never feels grey,
I would want to be his greatest friend without drama,
But that spot has been taken by Kageyama,
They teach us how even enemies can become great allies,
Everyone of their games together are quite a surprise,
Breaking fast with stale cigarettes
and burnt coffee.
morning flows through my tiny bedroom
and you come to life in all of the walls.
nothing will do until i am scrubbed clean of your love.
until my skin doesnt hold reminders
of the times you used to hold me,
of all the hours we spent
exploring every crevasse of our being.
someday you wont live in my bones anymore.
i look forward to someday.
i look forward to any day without you.
I am not sure
If I am an artist,
But I like to watch
The way your mouth
Creeps into a smile,
And how your laugh
Crawls deep from the bottom
Of your belly.
I like the way your eyes
When you first pry them open.
I like the way your hands
Hold onto me,
As if I'll float
No, I don't know
If I am an artist,
But I can recognize a masterpiece
When I see one.
How do you get over a broken heart?
I don't know anymore...
What else can I do?...

I've  gotten me a new hobby
I've tried to decive myself to believe
That he's not the one
Whom I love...

I've tried to listening to music
Music always help,
But this time
I really can't pick myself

Music doesn't make me happy
I have no appetite
I don't feel like sleeping
I would pefer to die
If I died I'm pretty sure
That everyone would be much happier
Mostly I..

I wouldn't be crying the whole time
I can almost fill buckets
I wouldn't have to eat
There's no taste at all
I wouldn't have to try to sleep
There's only nightmares, no dreams
I wouldn't have to hate myself
For only bringing trouble
To friends and family...

So as you can see
Everyone would be so much happier without me
Specially I would be...

So I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
When your closest friends are out the country
And you're just sitting in your room
With your curtains pulled down
Just starring at the lyrics
Which you've written on your wall...

Silence is the enemy...
Don't wanna fall in love...
It amazes me this will of instincts...
Shot through the heart...
Another one bites the dust...
Chaos rules the inner hell...

Diffrent lyrics
Different songs
Different artists
But not a single one
Can cheer me up again
Singing always help
In the shower or when I'm stressed,
But right now
I don't even want to talk...

I'm a gamer
But neither this
I want to do
My guitar gently weeps
More gentle
Than I do
It's sad since I haven't been
playing for a while...

I should be making dinner
And this poem have to end
But before I leave
I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
'Cause I've never felt this dead
And I've survived worse
Afterall, I had classmates
In elementary
Who tried to push me
Out the window
From 1st floor...

I've been beaten and spitted on,
But neither that have hurt this much
So please tell me
How do I mend my broken heart?...
I know nothing about love and less about heartbreak....I really should have stayed behind my curtains...
the irrelevancy of this day
blots the Sun
with the suffocating light of indifference

the urge to scream is often there
just below that inane giggle
that maniacal grin

that ever recurring crystalline voice
whispering from the lips of a fading thought
'we are all undeniably
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