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 Sep 2020 devi
Sparkle in Wisdom

Miss those days,
When money

When simplicity
was treasured,

When luxury
was dreamt,

When ambition
was high,

When fire in the belly was brightest,

When nothing
was impossible,

Life was at peace.

Sparkle In Wisdom
Broke my wings
So I couldn’t


So I stole his soul
So he couldn’t

 Sep 2020 devi
 Sep 2020 devi
There is no better teacher than pain.
No better coach than sorrow.
As long as you make it through
'til tomorrow.
 Sep 2020 devi
Haiku 11-2020
 Sep 2020 devi
The jungle quiets
Eyes of the sky looking down
Her tears start to fall
 Sep 2020 devi
Imran Islam
Could you see me
with the rising sun?
Do you feel me
when you wanna run?
Do you need my love
in the early dawn?
Then find me there
with the morning sun!

Have you missed me
in the green grass?
Did you gaze at me
in the lakeshore class?
Maybe our souls fly
from the same mass.
If you teach me to love,
then I will pass!

Do you like the jungle
and little night tent?
Do you want me to be
with you in the rent?
Ok, no more questions,
I'm gonna be silent
But what will you do
if I feel too violent?
Thanks ❤️🙏
My books are live on kindle
 Sep 2020 devi
Whether a comma, or colon:
Punctuation slows my rolling
I need no period. When I end
no Capitalization when I begin
Rulelessly I flow my art
  Not a single!
Exclamation mark
Are you not the one
Who'll know?
Where a question mark
No longer goes

Warp the structure
Bend the lines
Put in repeat
Let emotion unwind
Make yourself
Your poetry's the best
Be your own ruler
Pass your own test

Take your own road
Where ever it leads
Lover or hater
It's all poetry!
Traveler Tim

No matter who you are
You have my deepest respect!

All is vanity
The meanings of passion
The aesthetic expression
The lines we draw and stay within
Even love is beyond intent
Vanity transcends
Flowing from our pens
And so we breathe again
 Sep 2020 devi
Sachin Subedi
Earth is a healer, knows it all
Even after humans be long gone
Off the scene to nothing
To not existed ever after
The Earth will for sure exist
Ever after as it exists now
Without an inch of doubt
Be healing itself, for sure
Everything in earth is healing
Earth, a healing phenomenon
Itself it is healing

The universe is healing
Nature is healing
Phenomena of self healing
Everything is healing itself
We, humans too are a part
Healing for sure, we humans

Healing is natural
Healing is beauty
Healing is justice
Healing is earthly
See around
Acknowledge, feel, breathe
Resonate with the phenomena
Heal yourself
 Sep 2020 devi
I can't exist in your presence anymore

I don't belong anywhere

I feel like a curse

bad luck follows me everywhere I go

I ruin everyone I touch

I used to be a good person

ever since I lost my soul

I eat everyone else's
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