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Seán Mac Falls Feb 2015
writer asks:
Do you not care what is happening?

POET replies:  
All is temporal.

writer pleads:
Have you no compassion?

POET replies:
Is fashion a spirit?  Does vanity know the chasms of soul?

writer whines:
You, self serving, aggrandizer are final judgement?

POET replies:
Can leaf know tree?  To rail with gust of wind is the province of comedy and drama.  Has a speck ever envisioned a vast horizon?  Does even a star shine in the vacuums of the cosmos?  Dear poor writer, keep to jottings and fickle weathers and not worry yourself on any numina or contemplations.
Will I forever love you

Will I stand by your side

Will I love you until I die

Will I fight for you until I'm 6ft under
Will I ever be over your

Will I leave your side

Will I stop loving you before I die

Will I stop fighting before I reach 6ft
I was in the bathroom
Away from the cause of my tears
No-one told me he was yours

My face was stained
But he caused a smile on my lips
No-one told me he was yours

I'd apologise 
I'd never if I'd known
But how was I to know?
You never see the world the way it is,
You've never felt cold, hard truth;
Your heart isn't whole, or close to it,
Though it's never been torn in two.
Wolf Irwin Jul 2014
Pray for the strength to be positive through the negatives,
If you want to catch a break well first something has to give,
So give your heart and mind to everything you do,
As souls we perform wonders I just wish we only knew,
Unknowing is true wisdom accepting what we can't grasp,
It's ok we have today and it could be our last,
In a way it is because it will never come again,
And all the before and afters are really just pretend,
This moment is peaceful if you recognize it as such,
Life is a blank canvas and you hold the paint brush,
Attachment is derailment for the peaceful train of thought,
If you always want more you'll never be happy with what you've got,
Loving what you have gives you everything you need,
I am as I am this is the true meaning of to be.
Margaret Jul 2014
Fear of unknowing
Is what consumes us today
Every little piece of knowledge we need
Is at our finger tips
Just ask Siri
Google it
Look it up

But we fear the unknown and never do anything about it
When people were unacquainted with the rest of the world
They sailed to find it

When people didn't know a word
they picked up a dictionary and found it

We fear that God exists or doesn't exist
In truth, we really don't know
We fear the unknown, so we pray to the unknown.

We are scared of the dark
Not seeing and knowing every dot of dust
Not knowing what may lurk

We don't know when the world will end
The idea that it could happen, but we don't know when scares us

It scares me, as I am no exception to this fear.

We don't know what will happen next

Maybe instead of fearing the unknown
We could find curiosity in it.
Something I've been thinking about.
I met a first love a few days ago, on vacation. He lives in Georgia, I live in Massachusetts. I don't know what's going to happen which scares me.
I think we will have to move on... which is undesirable, my parents probably won't let me see him again. Even though I've been texting him, I yearn for him to hold me in his arms again...
This unknowing is my fear.
Anonymous Jul 2014
What you don't know,
Is that I kept the letters because they give me butterflies when I feel bad, especially when I feel bad because of you, they sit on my dresser for times of need.

What you don't know,
Is that I look forward to your drunk calls because they remind me that you think about me when I'm not around, lately they've been lacking but I know I'm still lurking in your mind.

What you don't know,
Is that sometimes when I'm alone I still think of us, and what we used to have, what you're desperately trying to get back, but I push you away because I'm afraid of loss.

What you don't know,
Is that I'm afraid to tell you any of this because then you might find my weak points, and use them against me, then I would fall so hard so fast, and I cannot let myself do that, I must stay strong.


What you don't know,
Cannot hurt you,
Can it?
What he doesn't know

— The End —