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Poetic T Mar 2018
You raised me to rise above the
         shallow pills that are sometimes
caught in the throat of life's dry moments.

But when we swallow to many placebos,
       longevity is staled by us collecting
false remedies to  our problems.

I'll never do as my friends did and choke
on every struggle, clearing my throat I never
took anything I just rose above life's problems
Poetic T Feb 2018
Even though we start anew
           to relinquish what made us more,
will leave us less..

To abandon one part of us
     removing  that which for awhile
                                made us stronger.

Will only leave us empty further on.
                Our strength is only made a shadow
by what shined a light on the parts that held us up.
Nasira Dec 2017
He roars aloud and breaks and tears
And puffs out his mane and his fangs he bears
As if to tell me and all others (but especially me)
That there is no power and might as he
And he walks with that regal ego
That he was born into
Over the corpses of the fallen
Over my half-dead body too
So blinded by his beauty he can barely even conceive
That the pawn he pushed away is the royal he needs
But he can't hear beyond his own roar
Can't see past his mane
Can't see that the light at the end of the tunnel
Is actually just a train
Thinks his image will forever burn in her brain
And he might bring the fire but she brings the rain
And she steps out the mud with broken bloodied bones
Marches through the castle like its already her own
Howls at the moon and sets fire to the stones
With a hand on her heart and her eyes on the throne
Tell them to hoist the flags, tell them to let the wolves roam
Tell the King of the Jungle
That the Queen has come home
V Dec 2017
Wear your scars like tattoos,
Let them remind you of the times you could've died,
But you learned to swim with the tide.
Poetic T Oct 2017
She was a shadow of herself enveloped
in the negatives of bygone memories .
But she shone brighter than all the yesterdays.
Walking in a timely manner of her choosing.

Though she always wondered slowly,
everything of her day was done.
Her thoughts always vocalized upon us,
never reserved she always spoke her mind.

"Time waits for no others"
                 "So always wait for its pauses"
"Then get yourself two minutes ahead,

We loved her for the fire that never seemed
to dampen no matter the season or
what life collected upon her frail frame..

She rings us every weekend, reminding
us that she's still a memory in a lives.
Who would ever miss her,
                     she's more alive than any of us...
Poetic T Oct 2017
We all question our motivation and endeavours
                     of life's cause and effect.
Then we realise,
           life is a challenge of moments,
and how we play the game of our finite moments...

Do we give up?
              or do we collect our strength
      and show all that were
                   stronger than a question mark..
Poetic T Oct 2017
We are our own stairs
        everyday climbing higher.
We may fall,
          but inside we get up and brush off.
Climbing those steps of inner strength again...
Poetic T Sep 2017
she's pulled from the stem
a lone petal in the wind

settling where she can
Chinese Cinderella, girls orphaned due to the fact there just girls.. its the 21st century dam it....
Inspiration Jun 2016
The wonderful woman
Who would bash her head against the wall in pain,
Scream, agonising
Over why

Why her,
Why did she deserve the pain
The pain of her husband the love of her life

Doing it again...

This time he did it better and had a mate to play with her mind.

She was strong
Really now,
I know she disclosed
Such small things

Her love for me is immense

She wanted me to have what she had
Prayed for it
Prayed for us both

My sister chose a different path
Mum didn't agree
She wanted us to be loved

She knew it was possible and hoped
With every ounce

The pain we were in
Broke her
How did she find this man
marry him  
be persuaded to have babies to him

For him to leave and abuse

Not just her; but she watched over as he destroyed her innocent babies.

We watched her fall apart
rebuild herself
Back together

All the while getting abuse
Watching us hope and pray with her
He would realise

Wonderful woman you are to me
My beautiful mum
Jake Meizell Dec 2014
I don't give up easy, my muscles are strong and thunder wishes it beat as strong as my heart
They put me down to early, heaven and hell are still just words to me
I will cut done a 1000 pines with my nails and tear the ground like an earthquake with my teeth
And I will find my way back to her
The light of here eyes will guide me from their small darkness, The Lord can go **** himself, I only need forgiveness from her
Inspired by the Hozier song "Work Song"
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