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Vishal Pant Apr 2020
When its all over, what will be left
Your worth in gold
Or the memories that'll make you chuckle when you're old
All the worries you swam across
Or the question you asked her, based on the love coin's toss

It's better to feel empty inside than to adjust to the weather outside.

The ifs and buts are needy companions,
who are better left alone.

So when its all over
The gold will sink
Chucklin memories will be all I think.
Kalarav Apr 2020
In my search for happiness,
I found pleasure and prayer,
Satisfaction and abstinence.
How much of it was true
And how much an illusion?

People spoke of balance
But to me it was about
Giving it all up
Or completely giving in.

I decided to give in
But only to the realm within
And yet I could not differentiate
How much of it was true
And how much an illusion.
Ahmedabdrabo Mar 2020
Look how two can become one
How can one become home
How can home be so sweet

The reversed diffraction
The sweetest distraction
The everwanted satisfaction

Cupcakes and daybreaks
Cute bed sheets and lemon flavored sweets.
Alex Gifford Mar 2020
A retired man returns to work:
he's tired of his freedom.
Watched every show,
Read many books,
The lone-king of his kingdom.

A life of striving, working, waiting,
finally completed.
Now finds it empty,
finds it wasted,
hope has been depleated.

He woke at last before his death,
and let out one last sigh.
Reflections hurt,
Regrets aplenty,
Long past time to die.
It's not uncommon for people at my work to return from retirement because they found being retired too boring.

How sad to spend a lifetime hoping to retire and then find it isn't that great. They could have spent their life doing something that mattered more to them, or pursuing better goals. May it be a reminder for us to be careful with our lives.
Mane Omsy Feb 2020
For a thousand reasons they've hated me
Waiting in the shadows, for a daily treat
Stuck in this hell hole, to be the predator
Never was the intention to hurt others
Even my sweetest words can harm them
Condolences on behalf of my mourning
In the middle of a terrible story, I stand
As the hero and the villain, a modern drama

Let me dry out under the sun rays
Falling, shattering leaves all over the ground
As their celebration begins in this beautiful evening
As death comes forth, I await a merciless judgment
It's hard to live satisfying every people around us.
Curiosity killed the cat,
it was cursed and hurt and thrown away.
However, satisfaction brought it back,
it crawled it's way out of hell into the shine of day.
I believe inside we're all the cat
Fighting our way up to come back
But curiosity will entice, seem nice, and **** us again.
Now isn't that the loop of sin?
Just something I came up with from the popular saying
Pranav Khanna Jan 2020
Everyone in this world needs a little saving
From the treacherous ones,
From all the things that might seem so overwhelming,
Too overwhelming to even be possible.

Everyone in this world deserves the best
No matter how rough they may be,
No matter how shrewd they may be

But to the ones like you,
The ones that are so pure at heart,
The ones that put others first, no matter what they're going through themselves,
You, deserve something even better.

You may feel desperate at times,
Desperate for your share, for your share of love
And of life, and of happiness, and of satisfaction
But with time you shall have it all,

Every single thing that you've ever wished for,
You shall have it all,
But not before the time is right
Not before this world has prepared you for it.

You may have a lot of friends,
And you may not be able to share your mind with them,
But you oughta know that you're being heard,
You're being heard every single time you wish to be heard.

There may be times when you feel low,
Times when you feel that life is not just,
Times when you want to quit and stay low,
But remember that times like these are the best for that must needed ******.

Life is hard, I get it
But you're a winner, trust me
You've got everything sorted in your head, even though you may not know about it,
You've got it all sorted out in your heart.

Just be grateful for what you have,
Hold on to the ones who look out for you,
Take your time to absorb everything that's going on with you,
And, with your head held high, kick all the walls down that try to hold you hostage.

For you are the one you've been looking for in all the wrong places,
For you are the hero in your story,
For you are one of a kind, unparalleled,
For you are, already in your mind, whatever you dream to be.
Life may seem unjust and you may not always get what you so desire, but have faith in time, for it shall give you ever single thing that you want, but only when the time is right. Do not look at other and frown, for it may be their right time to have it all, and you, just wait for your time to come.
George Grenfell Jan 2020
My grief laps at the shores of my being,
I taste some aged sorrow.
Nostalgic on the nose,
The rich earth of my soul.

A quiet appreciation for the dark.
The strange enjoyment of intense sadness
Idklove Dec 2019
She has its  sound 
Lingers my soul 
Control my senses
Protect from falling apart
This is an art 
She has no words but have action
Which gives a real satisfaction
Like Ocean waves of silence hitting the loneliness grounds !
Megan Joseph Dec 2019
are you

i wish i
could have
loved someone
i am on my
solemn deathbed
surrounded by
white light.
i have spent
my life
every second
in solitude
and in
bitter loneliness.

no, i am not
This is one of the few poems where i am not the speaker
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