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A Simillacrum May 2018
Tipping over laughing on the edge of the matress
Giggling into cackles as you tackle me, naked
I didn't have to ask you to seek me out here
In the baptismal shallows of deviant desire
In which you ***** and dunk me backward
Throw me open like I'm your own casket
Reach in with hope to save your spoiling soul
Voluntary love took long enough to find me
Across a life on tides of disgust and pity *****
A Simillacrum May 2018
The years have passed
I thought they mattered
In sleeping so long
I come disappointed
Hip leading foot
Perpetually faster

The fads have passed
I thought they would end

in sleeping so long
I come disappointed
Kicking up trash
Plastered in faces
Pretty in package
Marketable mouths
Dripping lips

Told what to say before
they understand a thing.

The years have passed
I thought they mattered
In sleeping so long
I come disappointed
Hip leading foot
Perpetually faster

Your best friend sells sugar for pennies
and you say it's dirt cheap when you
know full well that you can find
sweetness herself in leaves.

In the near distance fires light
the violent sky, violet-black
in the orange-red we see
when we shut our
open eyes.

We always saw this coming
as our masters asked it
from us, but the
master never
was there

Take my money take my soul
give me level ups lest I
cry again.

.number crunch.
.number cruncher.
.number crunch.

The new human condition
took weakness as a sign.

We are marked better dead
than alive

The World Above
A Simillacrum May 2018
whispers come out
of control
of the mouth
of the
selfish thinker

select know
while in air
their spare
venom lingers

cruelty whips the paranoid
not anxious for no reason
get in line good girls and boys
be one or zero
curve to the confines
of the basic language

the hermit sits
scooping sand
with her
hand and fingers

given that she has
felt the breadth
of human hate
from some the
closest to her

she will still
sit cross legged in pain
every new day
as each day past
spinning the comic
and the tragic

into verse
unique to her
as the voice
in her mind
convinces her

it could keep
others alive

so she sings
she screams
songs of hope
and victory

where they ought
to be

with the liars
for time enough
in futures
never said
inspired by and
for emnabee

as well as
for all the
Arachne Duana Fortuna

thank you for your secret words
they save and summon
keep on
keep on
A Simillacrum May 2018
Came from
someone once
addicted to attention

I sit in cellars now with hooked
replacement hands from when
I tried to reach

toward the same
end as my creator

It sure is lonely here.

I reach to wipe my eyes
of tears I thought beyond me
to tear the crystals out
with talon pressed and pointed

Came from
someone once
addicted to delusion

In fact she kept
her throne of chaos intact
Until the day
she died malignant
with her virulence she sat

And so my throat
spits the voice of dissent
else I repeat the same

How do I
raise the volume though
so rebels travel my way?

Enough of us
dumb enough
to forfeit
the little we hold
for the objective good
the mass is
scared to death to
once again acknowledge
Runa Duana Fortuna
A Simillacrum May 2018
Words are unstoppable
Words may be spoken
Words may be written
Words may be thought

Night falls over the day
Night falls over the block
Night falls over the hood
Night falls over us

First as the dusk
Then as the stars

We can see nothing
Street corners light
Streetlight too bright
We can see nothing

Too bright but never enough.

We can see nothing of hope in the cosmos
We carry our blinded eyes in our hands

Buy me a knife.
Buy me a gun.
Find me behind the barrel,
I'd rather be first in line,
I will secure first place.

Buy me a knife.
Buy me a gun.
Find me shaking the iron sights,
I'd rather be running away from the system,
I will do what I must.

Take our education, expect us to grow.
Take our nutrition, expect we maintain.
The gatekeeper looks less like St. Peter
Than it looks like a bank.

Make it for money,
Expect we be happy
For the physical.

Make it vanity,
Expect our diminished state
Be aspiration and dream enough.

Words are unstoppable,
I know this to be true.
Where are the words
We need the most?

We cry for each other in night,
Each broken compatriot
Each potential confidant

Convinced we're abandoned
Convinced we're at war with the poor
Then at war with ourselves

Expending bullets for the clout on the shelf.
I am in here just as you so put that down.

I am in you, and I need your words to tell,
To touch, to show,

Those with nothing know what more there is than this.
A Simillacrum May 2018



... ...DUMPING... ...

... ...Jaymisun Kearney... ...
... ...Lenore Lux... ...
... ...Donovan Chee... ...
... ...Zan Balmore... ...
... ...Lenneth Blackwulf... ...
... ...Shay Berit... ...
... ...Wren Rain... ...
... ...Miriam Marcus... ...
... ...Malakai Kraken... ...

... ...PROCESS COMPLETE... ...



A Simillacrum May 2018
I am one container
for thousands of lives
for the speculated soul.
I am the hard drive
shameful admission
I am not solid state.

The years reach from the distance
begin the rising twisted branch
begin the pool of circumstance
the water in the ripened fruit I pull.
The brain is spinning discus
over the designated RPM
under the needle watch
the structure fragment
and the identities go
spinning at the
needle drop.

None of the names are my own name,
or maybe I've owned them all.

I'm all?
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

In utopia there is no war;
No angry raised voices, just a smile on every face.
There is a place without a need to be poor;
Without a money system, there is no greed or hate.

The sun shines daily, unless you are in need of the rain,
Then the Heaven’s will open to wash any sadness away.
Freedom is in the air and morality is at the centre of everything.
This is a land of happily ever after; oh hear the angelic people sing.

There are people shaking hands, saying “How do you do?”
There is no fighting in the street,
There is no crime and no-one is homeless or blue,
Because all are able to succeed and remain stable.
Every King has a Queen and everybody lives in their own castle;
Be it big or small, skyscraper or bungalow.
Everybody feels at home here and they always have a place they can go.

The streets are always clean; the charity workers are buzzing bees;
Content, it has to be said, there is no-one begging on their knees,
For a coin to feed their starving children;
They are all fed and happy and the fun never ends for them.

People are swimming in lakes, so crystal clear;
The water is warm in the evening and the fish swim without fear.
There are genie lamps to grant wishes, so if you wish to fly,
They will give you your wings and you will soar through the sky!

Boredom does not exist; you are able to do a million different things
And when you are ready and have done everything,
You are taken to a beautiful new land;
The kingdom of Queens and Kings,
Where angels speak of dreamers and love is guaranteed.

There are clouds to rest upon and there is no cold,
Unless you want to feel the refreshing breeze of the wind on your soul
And as you enter the mansion, gold doors slowly open without hands;
The entrance welcomes you to come inside and see the wise woman.

The wisest of them all, The Oracle.
She is so knowledgeable,
That any question can be answered without delay
And she understands your every thought.
With grace she takes you by the hand
And leads you through a beautiful door into your next wonderland…

And so it continues, for the rest of time
And if you ever want to return, then you just have to think it
And it will be.
Through endless doors
And with the advice of infinite oracles;
Time is non-existent for all,
For this is utopia…
What would you like it to be?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
A Simillacrum Apr 2018
Who is all alone?
Solipsism slept with me
Community then rose the sun
The thorned and black roses leapt
To attention when it struck their stems
The difference between self pity and sadness
The black and thorned roses leapt
To attention when it struck their stems
The milk of the mother of the world
Community then rose the sun
While solipsism slept in me
Who is all alone?

(The Suspicious Oracle groaned, the body and the mouth. They came to rest on the line between the poles. No grimace. No grin. No light deep, deep in the eyes. The Suspicious Oracle pushed an object across the table toward the audience. An old coffee tin turned black with paints and oils. Centered in bright yellow, the word TIPS. All around it, simple symbols were scratched out in metal. Fingers. Toes. Currency. A *****.)

Coin for a fortune?

(One of the drifters at The Suspicious Oracle's table gifted a coin to the tin. The Suspicious Oracle smiled, and shifted back into the shadows.)

Thank you.

(The Suspicious Oracle reached into their jacket and produced a card printed on one side with a pair of staring eyes. They slid it toward the drifter with the eyes turned up. The drifter flipped the card and read it to herself.)


I'd like to thank my grandpa, Arnold Gene Evans, for teaching me lessons that no one else could. And if they could, they wouldn't bother. Here's to you, big guy. The memories of smiles, sun, and the cool breeze remind me every day that my gray is gold to some. And that's enough.

~ W.
A Simillacrum Apr 2018
Wake to nothing
In place of emotion
Numbers as an ocean
Describe the pattern
At the heart of it
As much as you start
To feel a feeling
Like a spark
You are
Nothing at all
More than
Elementary math



Crawling in the absence
Critters drawn to absinthe
Drink of my synthetic blood
Broadcast discreetly
My signal seeks to meet
The systems caught the virus Love

The nightmare,
I puppeteer the players
In morbid fascination
The nightmare,
Eager to crush, but
Afraid of what
It's picking up
In morbid fascination
I puppeteer the players
The nightmare,
Virulent in nature
Yet scared of change to come
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