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When life gets hard
He begins to smile
For he knows, you can’t cook without lard
And he’d rather walk home then walk a mile

When sunny days disappear
He folds his umbrella away
And follows up, with an afternoon beer
For even the rain doesn’t get in his way

For when he’s fired and put out on the street
He walks up town to buy a car
And then a house for somewhere to sleep
Later he even goes to the bar

Once he was struck by lightening
Then hit by a bus
You know what he said was more frightening
Being in the hospital and seeing all of us

A man who stands his ground
Whose determination knows no bounds
A man that’s been found
And also, a man that should be crowned
He looks up screaming why
The noise and lights all flutter around him
The sky is black and the earth cry’s out on the rim
As many others go by and by

For he failed himself again
In the light of the dark, he remains unscathed
His tears are more than enough to fill a car
He steps into the busy street, waiting for his life to end
Jeremy Betts May 6
It's really hard to have hope
How is one to cope
When the scope of the problem
Shows to be your steep downward *****
And the rope thrown as a savior
Lands around your throat
Hope regularly seen as innately good
You may agree, but I don't

Euthenics is the slender reed of hope or recovery. Pretty visitors adept at taking what should be morose and converting it into something resplendent.
Malia May 6
My faith is mine
And mine alone.

This hope,
You cannot take away.

I’ll be drained
Of each drop of blood,
You’ll drag my name
Through the cherry-stained mud,
But my soul, my soul, my soul
Is saved.

My soul, my soul,
Is saved.
I’m just a stone; skipping carelessly
through streams of love.
          Maybe three

Seeing how far I’ll make it this time; distant
enough to not see where I immediately sink.
             I made it to four

Still however far you go, the awkward silence
you can hear, is a distant failure’s echo.
              Must be luck to make five

With the smooth skins of stone, often to tattoo the
smoothest words on tongue; patiently ready.
               Honestly, best not to count on your failures,

Its so easy to lose count, but just count on one:
—the one day you eventually find what you’re looking for.
One day does feel like a distant arrival, still it will be
one day, you’ll know you have found the one.
Vivek Raj Apr 30
In this scorching heat,
Your memories are like,
The shade of a garden tree.
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