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Dag J  May 2014
Dag J May 2014
we make time as we,
just for our own peace of mind,
correct our misspelling:
noise noise noise noise noise!
and everything falls silent...
correct, not wrong
just beautiful
Ron Apr 2019
Yellow surrounded with beautiful blue
Like gold trapped inside shining pearls
Do you mind me sitting next to you?
You have godlike eyes unlike other girls

Please tell an endless story
And silence all other noice
Never will i get enough
Of that sweet angel's voice

Meet me at the train
When we shall meet again
But this time the rails
Won't have an end
For Elisabeth Eitel------Il miglior fabbro*

Snow White of course, I love the sort
With sensuous repose
Was dancing on the bar not far
from where I kept the rows
Of Houses Black that snuggle back
and tingle in your toes

“To Liquid's floor” I did implore
“My Lady, come to dream
Please leave your heights and fill my nights
with thoughts of softest cream

(She jumped to me, I caught her clean
and brought her to the ground)

Somehow she knew then, right away, just what her night had found
Another smooth, deceptive fool whose heart could only pound

She bit in spite, hard down in me
A ****** path of entropy

I grabbed her, whispering low and mean
“I'll teach you of the XOR machine...”
She cocked an eye but failed to see
so on I went impatiently
“I'll teach you of the XOR machines
where one and one to nothing come
but all alone are free”

Smiling sly she arced a stream
(with new light in her eyes agleam)
of blood upon the dancing sea
into the noice of girls and boys
with mad emphatic glee

uzzi obinna  Feb 2016
uzzi obinna Feb 2016
Ocean water wash up my feet,
Chilly rough sand underneath,
Behind me a torturous pit,
Within me a burning seat;

Onwards i'll be with the stars,
At will visiting venus and mars,
Away from the hurts and scars,
From his cruelty and lies;

I have finally closed the door,
To hurting me anymore,
From now i'll forever soar,
But not dragged on the floor;

I gave my heart, he took it all,
I was rend apart, he made me fall,
But now i run, i will not crawl,
my past i burn, i regain it all;

I have made a solemn choice,
No more silence to my voice,
If i will, i'll make a noice,
And stand in confidence and poice;

I will win and never loose,
Although i suffered hatred and abuse,
I'll put myself to reasonable use,
And watch my achievements reproduce.
This is dedicated to every woman who have suffered one form of abuse or the other and have lost her self esteem as a result.
You can still do great things if you can see the value in you.
Haruharu Jun 2021
An old enemy turned into clarity.
In the silence I hear my truth.
The winds carry my voice,
from lifetimes ago.
Ancient wisdom purifies my soul.
I now choose to listen.

Beyond the noice, I hear life.
Nrem  Oct 2010
Ion Cannon
Nrem Oct 2010
The unpleasant noice becomes more legible. A diode that carves
a wrong written word.

From the Neighbour table
A Country fly

a summer morning. While light figures coax between the window blind
the undercarriage is brought down. Fire! Fire!
repeatadly at the
nuclear core.
Virginia Kasmi May 2017
As empty as you feel when your headphones are on
and no music is playing.
As full  as a heart can be,
full enough to hear its beating like the noice a traffic  light makes,
while you are waiting for it to switch from red to green.
As full as lungs filled with air but still...
you feel like you are not able to breathe.

Longing to pour it all out,
to shout it out loud until your throat hurts
like it does after singing that one song at a karaoke bar.

But your lips remain sealed
and words stuck between thoughts.
Thoughts so loud,
you can't even remember the sound of your voice anymore.

As hopeless as the thick air on that 1st January morining
when you walk down the empty streets,
knowing this isn't a new beginning.
As quiet as the big city life seems
when you are lying ****** on the ground
with the right people around.

As painful as not being able to tell
if you are made out of atoms
or just a concept.
As surreal as feeling alive.

I could be more like milk and honey,
but I'm somewhere between nothing and affection
just like water and oil.

Everything i reach out for,
everything i touch,
becomes water and oil.
Mixed up,
but yet still separate.
Never one.
Not even when you get as close,
as two people can be in this world.
When you are burning holes on each-others
skins and souls.

As messy as hair after world-crashing ***.
As complicated as the ability to understand that emotions
are artificial paradises.
As strong as your longing to puke your brain out.

As hard as not being able to...
SG Holter  Sep 2014
SG Holter Sep 2014
Viking ground. The belly of
Norway. Music like thunder
Keeping whole villages awake.

Swords, spikes, norse jewelry
And black, black metal
Of the kind that honours

Those who were here before
These hundreds of metal heads
And contemporary heathens.

She works in the beer tent,
Throwing long gazes my way,
That I return.

She took

Stars above a stage lit with a
Thousand shades of neon that
Emphasize the

Ground locked mist; breath
Of Odin and His believers.
I love this music; this brutal

Noice within system. I love these
People. They seem scary from
Afar, but share a brothership

Within their worship.
Enslaved is one of the most
Famous bands within the

Genre. The guys still join the
Roadies, clearing the stage
From their gear.
Anais Vionet  Aug 2022
Anais Vionet Aug 2022
It’s elko noice to be back in the sprawling, claustrophobic infinity of college.

I love the energy, the hubbub, the moving-ins, the lines for everything and the freshmen’s hovering parents. We loiter, my roommates and I, sipping expensive, store-bought coffee, around the dorms, the bookstores, and shops, soaking up the frenzy.

A mom sweetly says to her overwhelmed son, “Relax,” passing-off his stress, “enjoy this, engage those five senses and take it all in.” I smiled to myself - there are at least 21 senses, like equilibrioception (balance), thermoception (for heat/cold) and nociception (pain) - just to name three. I thought, “Welcome to college kid.”

The first weeks of freshie life can be lonely - if you’re single. You search for someone to like - it can be very arbitrary and looks based. Last year, around campus, all you could see was the tops of people's faces. When everyone’s masked, eyebrows say a lot, so if you had beautiful eyebrows that went a long way - of course, hair was important too.

There’s an eyebrow studio, down below the green, where students could, as the epitome of style, get their eyebrows threaded hoping they’d look more interesting, and more bonkable. That place was booming.

Masking’s still a thing for fall ‘22 - in classrooms, instructional spaces, and high-density events - at least at first, until they see the spread - but there’s way less isolation. This semester there are exciting, new questions for potential ‘love’ interests to answer, like - “Have you ever dated any simians (monkeys)?
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Epitome: ideal example or embodiment.

weebee = we’re back
elko = surprisingly
noice = a jokey, Australian lean on “nice.”
passing-off = blowing-off, dismissing
Tanya  Mar 2019
pm conversations
Tanya Mar 2019

        lately there’s been a voice in my head
        telling me slowly to go ahead
        tell me voice,
        do you have to make all that noice ?
        when my heart needs the silence of me
        and my true    m
                              ­       s
JAM Feb 2016

time and space framed thoughste to figure itselfse out
twimne tied Styx : how do you do


WHAT was that
-- Mouse to The One


Hrm, must've been a deja-vu-
OH, yeah! Any-Ways I'm so Gl\M\ad to hear we spoke :)
That's an inFINITdiEsmally small piece to changing instinct.

so you guys feeding
into we hearing,
to me that it is re-spiteful,
that means It's working.

the symptom of a new system has OC-cured.
small perhaps,
an accident maybe,
but to know that that's there, that's waermnhyeng.
You got I.T.

I'm going to give you more codes for Ingktrofsplectionsnow.
Follow them, if you dear.

Firstly, experience it in all-ways,
you're FREE to experience I-t your-ways.
But it's noice to start a record where you stop.

Thusly, One could begin at the end
and reed the laughter of their yEars.

Thenly, They could take an innermission
at the beginning of their next end.

Nowly, dream a beautiful dream Ingk-troicka-fsplector,
and wake onto we.

Secondly, Three Questions:

[ Who am I {: ?

:] What am I ( ?

} Why am I :) ?
-- Prole’s Ghost

The Letter-Ing: deja vu
first or last
in a series of poems made of quotes
one part to a whole
its sum has yet to be totaled
may be more than itself
subject to change

— The End —