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  Dec 2019 cath
Emily Ann
I rid myself
of every shard,
every little piece
that reminds me of
one day;
there will be a me
put back together.
and whole.
a me,
you have
touched before.
  Dec 2019 cath
Someone asked me to draw
Draw what heartbreak looks like
I finally got tired of drawing a broken heart
And I started drawing you
  Dec 2019 cath
Sehar Bajwa
just because the star-
fish can grow its arms back does
not mean it didn't hurt.

even though scars heal
and wounds fade it doesn't mean I
will forget the pain.
  Jan 2018 cath
Manon Kingma
You think no one would care if you died? no one would notice. well you’re wrong. i would. and so would so many other people.

Okay listen here, even though this won’t matter in a week or even tomorrow I just want you to know that:

You are worth so much more than you think.

You were placed on this earth for a reason, everyone has a reason to live no matter how small it may be. There is always hope, there is always help. There is always something better to do than **** yourself.

If you died tonight by taking your own life you would affect so many. No don’t just say “Pfft, yeah right” because someone will.

What if tomorrow your best friend wakes up and you’re not there? Do you know how devastated they will be. They will blame themselves. What if they had talked to you a little longer that night? or finally told you that they love you? A million questions will race though their mind. They will blame themselves for therest of their life.

Your family don’t care either? They do. What happens when they find your body? They will shake your trying the wake you, but you never will. They will cry out for you, tell you to come back. They need you here, without you here? They are missing half of themselves. Their own blood dead. They also will blame it on themselves. What if I woke up earlier to get them out of bed? What did I do wrong as a parent? Why couldn’t they talk to me? The same million questions pestering them for the rest of their lives. How about burying their child before them, that is one of the worst things, out living your own child.

You probably think killing yourself is easy? It’s not. Bleeding out takes hours and it’s excruciating painful. Overdosing, if you don’t do it right you could mess up your organs forever. All the ways of killing yourself have a chance that they will not work and if they don’t you will live with those scars forever.

You’re probably going to blow this off and forget about it but can you at least remember that you are beautiful and you are worth so much more. please don’t take your life tonight or tomorrow or next week because if you survive this monster that eats away your mind everyday you will be able to tell your children and their children that..

**You survived.
cath Nov 2017
Sitting in his armchair
Comforted by the thick woollen sweater
4:15, the clock shows
Sipping on his bittersweet coffee
He reads the same book for the tenth time.
Out of the window
He glances,
As if someone there awaits
Like always
A sweet face of a lady
Smiles at him
Into a million fireworks
His heart explodes
He laughs at himself
When the face disappears
Everyday repeats itself
same place, same coffee, same book
If only she lived,
Things would've felt a little less robotic
cath Nov 2017
They come flooding your mind
with no warning
though, everyone appears
at different times
reminding you the days
of happiness, sadness
hardships, achievements
all with their little purpose
in your life
Somewhere in the world
but not a part in your life
Dead, some maybe
and always alive in your memories
  Apr 2017 cath
i am just a lost soul
for meaning
to be set free
*aren't we all?
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