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Naked Writing Jan 2018
My throat closes
when I think of you now
I loved you once—
I wanted you every day—
and part of me loves you still
but it would **** me
to have you

isn't it funny
how something that was once good for us
can become the death of us
a design by God—
or science—
who knows

we wake up one day
and our bodies have evolved
to reject even one taste
so violently
that it would be a delicate tango
between life and death—
Russian roulette—
to ever have you
Insta: @nakedwriting
Naked Writing Nov 2017
runs rivers down
the planes of my face
drip dropping
to the asphalt
and sizzling there;

I wonder if it's true
that I could fry an egg
on the tarry New York sidewalk
melting under my feet

I think I'd like to try
I think I'd also prefer to be that egg
in the cool air of aisle 9
where someone will pick it up
and take it home
and make pancakes
with the person they love
Insta: @nakedwriting
Naked Writing Nov 2017
is not about standing tall
after you've climbed up
the top of a mountain

is looking
in the eye
and saying, "no
not today"

is standing back up
after you've been brought down
to your knees
Insta: @nakedwriting
Naked Writing Nov 2017
soulmates become strangers—
and that is how
their fairytale ends.
Insta: @nakedwriting
Naked Writing Nov 2017
I want to be seen,
but you're seeing me,
so I hide.

I want to be held,
but you're holding me,
and I fold.

I want to be heard,
but you're hearing me,
so I silence.

I want to be loved,
but you're loving me,
and I run.
Insta: @nakedwriting
Naked Writing Nov 2017
Half an orange
to help me sleep
to help me not think of you
to help me shut down my brain
like a laptop that's been left on
for two weeks straight

I break an orange pill in half
tonight I hope it's all I need
to help me sleep
I toss it back
I hope it doesn't get caught
in the corners of my throat
like all the words
I cannot say out loud

I take pills
because there's not enough wine
to drown out my thinking
not enough meditation
to quiet the constant hum

I long for a day
when sleep did not escape me
the night before
Insta: @nakedwriting
Naked Writing Nov 2017
Before you gave me a home,
you gave me life.

I was born to you, but
before you gave me the world
you gave me a home,
within you.

There I lived,
within and then without you—
though you are never far from me.

I carry you within myself
as you once carried me.
I carry you within my heart

I would be a part of nothing today
had I not once been a part of you.
Insta: @nakedwriting

— The End —