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 Oct 2014 Megan Jane
Picked at my skin and tore a new hole
so you can be my first
I'm tired of living
In a *** filled haze
Bottles of *****
to count the days
Nowhere to run to
Nowhere to hide
Here I am cornered
Unable to lie
I cant say I don't want it
Because you know I do
Ill take another draw
Off this cigarette, then you.
Even loving you becomes the absolute failure,
It is the most beautiful failure I could ever think of....
For the simple moments when I feel actual passion.
I don't care if it is a delusion.
          I'm afraid to die
          But don't we all fear our dreams
          The limit's the sky.
          Can you hear my screams?

Night and death, the same
The silence echoes
Who will win this deadly game?
No one really knows

          What drove me to losing my mind,    
          this wasn't in my plans.
          Could I find it in your hands or did
          you drop it along the way?
          I've yet to find my heart so I sculpted
          one from clay.

This heart, has been carved out of stone,
Hollow inside, filled with tears
Terrified of love to my bones
I've forgotten all my other fears.

          It's Love that keeps me up at night.
          Or perhaps it's The absence of
          Your strong arms that held me so
          I wore you out, now nothing fits right.

You were the other half to my heart,
Now it's in pieces and battered,
I think there's still some missing parts
You left me alone and completely shattered

          That leaves me as half of who I used
          to be.
          I thought hearts were inseparable.
          And of course that means half of you
          is missing as it is with me.
          And it's beating but it's miserable.

Locked away, never to be loved
Thoughts of you keep me up at night
That you could of done this, astounds me,
Now, no other love will ever feel right

          And I wonder if anything will be so
          That it could cut off my circulation
          I'm tired of life's fight
          I've already lost my imagination..

My mind has gone blank,
From all this destructive hate
It was a love lost, forever gone
I'd like to just say it was fate
Such a lovely experience working with Nicole, she's a dear and a beautiful poet.  I hope you all enjoy this.  Thx Nicole. ❤
One day you'll grow up
And your eyes will stop reflecting galaxies
And start reflecting the weather.
 Sep 2014 Megan Jane
 Sep 2014 Megan Jane
I have seen people change
Some for the better some for the worse
I have felt myself getting older, forming my own opinions
I have watched as friendships fade, some being my own

I have learned to try new things
I have stepped out of my comfort zone
Finding I like it better in there
I have laughed and cried not knowing why

I am finding things about myself I didn't even know
I have learned not to let my feelings show
I have been down and I have been up, finding that up is the better option
I have learned to worry less and smile more, I'm far too young to care

When I feel as if nothing could go right
I smile and thank God for another day
I have found music can make me feel better
And people can change you and shape you

I have had new people introduced into my life
Finding that there is always a story behind the eyes
I have had people share with me the secrets they try to hide
Leaving me speechless with a sad smile not knowing why

I felt pure and blissful joy dancing to my favorite music
I have found that the only answer is God
But that it's easier said than done
And that when you think you can handle it on your own, you need Him

Put your worries in his hands and you will find peace
To love yourself as much as God loves you
Because there is nothing He wants more
Take time, be free, be happy, just simply be
There's a comfort in being a doubter,
To be swayed by passionate conviction
As well as logical cognition,
If nothing can be proven then how can that be confirmed?
I am a doubter
I live in dim-lit twilight of faith unknown,
I doubt the doubter and all of faith
Is doubt not too a faith to move nations?
I am a doubter, an undecided,
Hopeful, hateful, shameful, trustless
Devoid, lacking any certainty
Don't doubt me! I'm not weak, not mean,
Not judgmental or hypocritical,
Just so uncertain and conflicted—
How can anyone believe
In anything, at all?
 Sep 2014 Megan Jane
Much of our unhappiness comes about when comparing ourselves with someone else
I walk the halls my eyes darting left to right
Accessing what I wish I could have.
I know I am not alone, the urge to be perfect consumes everyone's minds
Nearly drowning ourselves with a false notion that we should be better than our peers
Our views are distorted and expectations so high they are unattainable.
You look at the person next to you and instantly insecurities fill the empty spaces in your mind
But do you ever stop to think they may be thinking the same thing?
Wish you could be like her? Tall, outgoing, and thin like her? So focused on her you lose yourself.
Wish you could be like him? Strong, athletic, and good-looking like him? Who says you aren't good enough?
Wanting so fiercely so intensely to find perfection we often lose our soul
So busy ignoring God's gifts that we fail to even recognize any of his blessings
Living in a world that’s not quite up to par, we compare more than just
We compare the days and the weeks wishing they could just be a little bit
We compare other families to our own wanting so badly to be “like them"
From our bodies to our ability to make people laugh, is there anything
that will be good enough for ourselves?
When you live in a world filled with constant comparison it can swallow your joy and steal your happiness
Let confidence take you by the hand and lead you to peace
Let it go
We are letting time slip through our fingers.
So focused on not being good enough, we end up just going through the motions
Let the feeling of now pump through your veins
Immerse yourself in the present
Take pride in the talents God has given you and use them to help others
This world isn't about you and your looks it is about the happiness you have in your heart
You will not be remembered by your physical attributes because they fade away with the hands of time
Your compassion, your love, and your journey and the lives that you touched along the way. THESE are the moments you will be remembered by.
At the moment you stop comparing yourself to others is the moment that you are free because the person sitting next to you is doing the exact same thing.                                  
You are not alone.
Want to be together but alone
Though your heart is made of stone
Couldn't share with you my thoughts
You were never that sure about
Your feelings , always so insecure
Used me like a stepping stone
So let's pretend and remind ourselves
That our need for love has grown
I kept saying " If you go, please let me know "
I want to move on but you keep holding on , dragging me along
It's just a make believe , why can't you see
You don't love me.
It's never love. It's just a carnal lust . A dark desire , a hidden thought , unexplored fantasies. In the end , we are meant to be torn apart by feelings.
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